
Diktators 2012


Ziemeļāfrikas Vadijas nāciju vada ekscentrisks un egoistisks maniaks, cietsirdīgs līderis vārdā Hafezs Aladēns. Viņu paša zemē ienīst praktiski visi, tomēr katru, kas atļausies iebilst, sagaida smaga nākotne, tostarp iespējama nāve, par ko diktators paziņo ar savu slaveno "galvas nociršanas" signālu. Nu Aladēns izsaukts uz Ņujorku, lai ANO tiktu pratināts par savas valsts kodolieroču programmu. Kā jau gaidāms, ceļojums izvēršas greizi.


Gatavs vai nē

Gatavs vai nē 2019


Jaunlaulāta līgava kāzu naktī pēkšņi saprot, ka viņas ekscentriskā jauniegūtā ģimene ir sātanisti un grasās viņu upurēt nelabajam.



Girls5eva 2021


When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?


The Manhattan Alien Abduction

The Manhattan Alien Abduction 2024


A woman claims to have been abducted from her bedroom in Manhattan. This docuseries explores whether it was an elaborate hoax — or proof of alien life.


How I Became a Russian

How I Became a Russian 2015


A journalist of "American Post" Alex Wilson wrote a scorcher of a critique on unreachable “American dream” and "won" a termless business trip to Russia. At first he is terrified by thinking of the homeland of balalaika, vodka, and bears, but later he is inspired with love and respect for the foreign country.