Vīri melnā: Globālie draudi

Vīri melnā: Globālie draudi 2019


"Vīri melnā" izpletušies, lai aptvertu visu pasauli, taču to pašu izdarījuši ļaundari, kas vēlas valdīt pār visumu. Lai visus noturētu drošībā, Aģents H un jauniņais aģents M apvienojušies šķietami nesavienojamā komandā, kas tomēr sekmīgi funkcionē. Kad citplanētieši, kas var ieņemt jebkuras dzīvības formu, ierodas uz Zemes, H un M sāk globālu misiju, lai glābtu aģentus un pasauli no viņu ķecerīgā plāna.


IXE-13 et la course à l'uranium

IXE-13 et la course à l'uranium 2024


In Montreal in 1945, a few months after the end of the Second World War, Jean Thibault, aka IXE-13, Canada's top secret service agent, is now the respected owner of the Crystal Club in Red Light and a former hotel above the club that once belonged to the Mafia.


The Silence

The Silence 2021


Dramatic events unfold in Croatia and Ukraine. The first girl drowned, the second one died from a drug overdose. The main suspect in these deaths, however, soon turns out to be innocent - and dead too. While detective Vladimir and reporter Stribor struggle to solve these murders in Croatia, the niece of Olga, an Ukrainian philanthropist, goes missing in Kyiv.



Guns 2009


Detective Rick Merriweather and Detective Constable Ford Sanders from the Weapons Enforcement Unit in Toronto struggle to balance family life with a complex investigation centering on a twenty-three year old gun trafficker.