
Mīlnieki 2017


Šis ir stāsts par ilgstoši precētu un kaisli pazaudējušu vīru un sievu. Abi ierāvušies afērās un aizvien vairāk aizraujas ar jaunajiem partneriem. Tomēr, kad attiecības nonākušas uz šķiršanās robežas, abu starpā pēkšņi no jauna uzplaiksnī jūtas, liekot abiem impulsīvi pakļauties spēkiem un censties izlīkumot starp sekām, ko radījusi līzšinējā nodevība vienam pret otru.



LTNS 2024


A sexless married couple starts blackmailing adulterous couples for money.


Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend

Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend 2023


"I want to be loved, as a person, and as a woman." Nakamichi Misaki is a teacher who has been married for 5 years to her attractive husband. She appears to have a life that many would be envious of. However, the truth is that she has been concerned about her marriage due to the lack of intimacy. Her husband only sleeps with her once a year, on the day of their wedding anniversary. As she continues to question her husband's sexual desire for her, their next anniversary arrives... and she receives a shocking confession from him!