
Teds 2012


Kad Džons Benets bija mazs puika, viņš izteica vēlēšanos, lai Teds - mīļotais plīša lācītis - atdzīvotos. 30 gadus vēlāk Teds joprojām ir viņa neatņemamais kompanjons, lai vai kā tas nepatiktu Lorijai - Džona draudzenei. Lai arī Lorija ir neapmierināta par pāra mūžīgo vēlmi pēc alus un marihuānas, viņa nav tā, kas būtu dusmīga uz Džonu visvairāk. Džonam var nākties piedzīvot iejaukšanos no Teda, lai beidzot pieaugtu.


The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone 1959


A series of unrelated stories containing drama, psychological thriller, fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and/or horror, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist.


Three Wishes

Three Wishes 2014


Yao Zong, an assistant horse trainer who is not doing well in his career, is inadvertently sucked into its realm. Despite being bullied at work, he puts up a brave front daily to preserve the respect from his family. But one night, in a drunken stupor, he bumps into an old woman who grants him three wishes. He is skeptical but uses them anyway when he faces difficulties in his life. When he realises that the wishes do indeed come true, he wants more. But this time, he has to pay a price for the next three wishes. Despite the warning, he uses them anyway and turns his family into instant millionaires from winning the lottery. But he pays with a high price - his daughter loses her legs as a result. Greed is then exemplified by his son, who uses the last wish to wish for three more wishes. In what seems like a never-ending cycle, Yao Zong looks desperately for the next person to take the three wishes away from him.