
Spārnos 2023


Filmu “Super Mario Brāļi” un “Minioni” autori aicina jūs pacelties spārnos un doties jautrās ģimenes brīvdienās. Meža pīļu ģimene ir iestrēgusi rutīnā. Kamēr tētis Maks ir apmierināts ar to, ka viņa ģimene mūžīgi peldēs dīķī, mamma Pema vēlas parādīt visu pasauli saviem bērniem — dēlam Deksam un meitai Gvenai. Kad migrējošā pīļu ģimene piezemējas viņu dīķī ar aizraujošiem stāstiem par tālām vietām, Pema pārliecina Maku doties ģimenes ceļojumā caur Ņujorku - uz tropisko Jamaiku!


Zirnekļcilvēks: Pāri Zirnekļpasaulei

Zirnekļcilvēks: Pāri Zirnekļpasaulei 2023


Mailss Moraless atgriežas uz ekrāniem nākamajā ar Oskaru apbalvotās Zirnekļpasaules sāgas nodaļā. Varenais piedzīvojums nogādās Zirnekļcilvēku no Bruklinas draudzīgās apkaimes pāri Zirnekļpasaulei, lai viņš apvienotu spēkus ar Gvenu Steisiju un jauno zirnekļļaužu komandu un stātos pretī ļaundarim, par kuru spēcīgāku viņi vēl nav satikuši.


Ātrs un bez žēlastības 10

Ātrs un bez žēlastības 10 2023


Kad 2011. gadā Doms un viņa komanda uz Riodežaneiro tilta iznīcināja Brazīlijas narkobaronu Ernanu Reisu un viņa impēriju, viņi nezināja, ka Reisa dēls Dante (Džeisons Momoa) tam bija liecinieks. Pēdējos 12 gadus viņš gatavoja plānu, kas liks Domam samaksāt par visu. Filmas notikumi risināsies no Losandželosas līdz Romai, no Brazīlijas līdz Londonai un no Portugāles līdz Antarktīdai. Jauni sabiedrotie, veci ienaidnieki, ātrums, spriedze un adrenalīns – tas būs Fast X!


Karalis Lauva

Karalis Lauva 2019


Karalim Lauvam piedzimst mantinieks un jau no pašas bērnības mazais Simba kļūst par upuri sazvērestībām, kuras kaldina viņa varaskārais onkulis. Agri iepazinis zaudējuma sāpes un nodevību, Simba atrod jaunus draugus un ir gatavs dzīves pārbaudījumiem, lai grūtā cīņā atgūtu to, kas viņam pienākas un kļūtu par īstu Karali.


Karalis Lauva

Karalis Lauva 1994


Karalim Lauvam piedzimst mantinieks un jau no pašas bērnības mazais Simba kļūst par upuri sazvērestībām, kuras kaldina viņa varaskārais onkulis. Agri iepazinis zaudējuma sāpes un nodevību, Simba atrod jaunus draugus un ir gatavs dzīves pārbaudījumiem, lai grūtā cīņā atgūtu to, kas viņam pienākas un kļūtu par īstu Karali.



Parazīts 2019


Lepnā slavena arhitekta projektētā namā plaukst modernās pilsētvides elites pārstāvju dzīve, savukārt kādā nolaistā puspagraba miteklī savu situāciju apņēmīgi cenšas pārvarēt trūkuma un neveiksmju vajāta ģimene. Kad liktenis piedāvā iespēju šādu cilvēku ceļiem krustoties, ieguvumu un postījumu apmērs nav paredzams.


Klusā pasaule 2

Klusā pasaule 2 2021


Ebotu ģimene turpina cīņu par izdzīvošanu pilnīgā klusumā. Piedzīvojot nāves draudus savā mājvietā, viņi ir spiesti doties tālāk ārpasaulē. Viņi dodas pretī nezināmajam, kur drīz uzzina, ka radījumi, kurus pievilina troksnis, nav vienīgie ienaidnieki, kas viņus gaida smilšu takas galā…


Nejaukais Es 2

Nejaukais Es 2 2013


Tagad, kad Gru ir atstājis supernoziegumu plānošanu pagātnē, lai visu uzmanību veltītu Margo, Edītes un Agneses audzināšanai, Dr. Nefario un dzelteno palīdžu armijai. Taču tiklīdz Gru jau sāk iejusties ģimenes cilvēka lomā, īpaši slepenā organizācija, kas cīnās pret ļaunumu visā pasaulē, jau ir uz viņa mājas sliekšņa. Gru un viņa jaunajai sabiedrotajai - aģentei Lūsijai ir jāatklāj, kurš pastrādājis iespaidīgāko ļaundarību pasaulē.


Lieliskie 2

Lieliskie 2 2018


Pēc varoņdarbiem, ko Lieliskie paveica pirmajā sērijā, viņiem ir pievērsta paaugstināta uzmanība no žurnālistu puses un ikdienas rutīna, kurā ir iestigusi ģimene, aizvien biežāk liek būt neapmierinātiem ar superspējām, ar kurām viņus ir apveltījusi daba. Taču drīz vien visām ģimenes problēmām būs lemts atkāpties otrā plānā, jo par apdraudējumu Lieliskajiem ir kļuvis jauns un varens ļaundaris.


Nav laiks mirt

Nav laiks mirt 2021


Džeimss Bonds ir atstājis operatīvo dienestu un bauda mierīgu dzīvi Jamaikā. Viss mainās, kad salā ierodas viņa vecais draugs Felikss Leiters no CIP ar lūgumu palīdzēt. Uzdevums glābt nolaupītu zinātnieku negaidīti izvēršas par slazdu Bondam. Viņš nonāk aci pret aci ar noslēpumainu ienaidnieku, kura rokās ar bīstams jauno tehnoloģiju ierocis.


Viss visur vienlaikus

Viss visur vienlaikus 2022


Veļas mazgātavas īpašniece Evelīna ir pārstrādājusies, atsvešinājusies no vīra un meitas, turklāt ģimenes bizness ir uz slēgšanas robežas. Viss kļūst vēl ļaunāk, kad Evelīna nonāk stingrās nodokļu inspektores Deirdres redzeslokā. Kādā no vizītēm ieņēmumu dienestā Evelīnas vīrs atklāj, ka ieradies no citas pasaules, lai uzticētu Evelīnai visa multiversa glābšanu. Ceļojot pa paralēlām pasaulēm, Evelīna iegūst gan jaunas spējas, gan iepazīst dažādās dzīves, kādas būtu varējusi dzīvot, ja jaunībā būtu pieņēmusi citus lēmumus.


Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten

Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten 1992


Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten is a long-running German television soap opera, first broadcast on RTL in 1992. The programme concerns the lives of a fictional neighborhood in Germany's capital city Berlin. Over the years the soap opera tends to have an overhaul of young people in their late teens and early twenties; targeting a young viewership.


El Cor de la Ciutat

El Cor de la Ciutat 2000


El cor de la ciutat is a TVC television soap opera first broadcast on TV3 on 11 September 2000 and last broadcast on 23 December 2009. The show is the most watched fiction program in Catalonia, Spain, especially among female audiences, drawing around 28-33% of the audience with as much as 40% during season finales. El cor de la ciutat follows the lives of the people who live and work in the neighbourhood of Sants and Sant Andreu in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.


The Simpsons

The Simpsons 1989


Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, as well as a virtual cast of thousands. Since the beginning, the series has been a pop culture icon, attracting hundreds of celebrities to guest star. The show has also made name for itself in its fearless satirical take on politics, media and American life in general.


Married... with Children

Married... with Children 1987


Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.


Miles from Tomorrowland

Miles from Tomorrowland 2015


This intergalactic adventure charts the outer space missions of young adventurer Miles Callisto and his family – mom and ship captain, Phoebe; mechanical engineer dad, Leo; tech-savvy big sister, Loretta; and robo-ostrich pet, Merc – as they help connect the universe on behalf of the Tomorrowland Transit Authority.


Anna und die Liebe

Anna und die Liebe 2008


Anna und die Liebe is the eleventh Telenovela made in Germany. It has aired since August 25, 2008 on German channel Sat.1 and Austrian Channel ORF 1.


Cuéntame cómo pasó

Cuéntame cómo pasó 2001


Recounts the experiences of a middle-class family, the Alcántaras, during the last years of the rule of Francisco Franco and the beginning of the Spanish Transition to democracy.


Come Home Love: Lo and Behold

Come Home Love: Lo and Behold 2017


Hung Sue Gan starting from the bottom, established his own logistics company, which is now running smoothly. His only concern now are his three daughters. His eldest daughter has immigrated overseas. His second daughter Hung Yeuk Shui has reached the marriageable age, but has no hopes for marriage anytime soon. She is constantly bickering with her younger sister Hung Sum Yue, who is an honour student, over trivial matters, causing their father to not know whether to laugh or cry. Hung Sue Yan, Hung Sue Gan's brother, moves in with the family, temporarily ending his life as a nomadic photographer. He joins Hung Yeuk Shui's company and encounters Ko Pak Fei, the director of an online shop. The two appear to be former lovers, making for lots of laughter. Since Hung Sue Yan moved in, a series of strange events have occurred in the family. Upon investigation, the source is traced to Lung Ging Fung, a promising young man who is the son of department store mogul Lung Gam Wai.


Looney Tunes Cartoons

Looney Tunes Cartoons 2020


A series of short form cartoons starring the iconic and beloved Looney Tunes characters. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and other marquee Looney Tunes characters are featured in their classic pairings in simple, gag-driven and visually vibrant stories.


Dexter's Laboratory

Dexter's Laboratory 1996


Dexter, a boy-genius with a secret laboratory, constantly battles his sister Dee Dee, who always gains access despite his best efforts to keep her out, as well as his arch-rival and neighbor, Mandark.


The Real McCoys

The Real McCoys 1957


The Real McCoys is an American situation comedy co-produced by Danny Thomas' "Marterto Productions", in association with Walter Brennan and Irving Pincus' "Westgate" company. The series aired for five seasons on the ABC-TV network from 1957 through 1962 and then for its final year on CBS from 1962 to 1963. The series, set in the San Fernando Valley of California, was filmed in Hollywood at Desilu studios.


The Great North

The Great North 2021


Follow the Alaskan adventures of the Tobin family as a single dad does his best to keep his weird bunch of kids close, especially as the artistic dreams of his only daughter lead her away from the family fishing boat and into the glamorous world of the local mall.





World peace is at stake and secret agent Twilight must undergo his most difficult mission yet—pretend to be a family man. Posing as a loving husband and father, he'll infiltrate an elite school to get close to a high-profile politician. He has the perfect cover, except his wife's a deadly assassin and neither knows each other's identity. But someone does: his adopted daughter, who's a telepath!


The Danny Thomas Show

The Danny Thomas Show 1953


Danny Thomas, an entertainer, tries to balance his home life with the needs of his career, with hilarious results.


Pieces of Paradise

Pieces of Paradise 2023


A con artist takes on the job of pretending to be one of the long-lost sisters of a young and rich woman. As she navigates a world of cunning and lies, she learns about right and wrong, love and family, and spectacular truths about herself.


Sana Ay Ikaw Na Nga

Sana Ay Ikaw Na Nga 2001


Sana ay Ikaw Na Nga is a Philippine drama series starring Tanya Garcia and Dingdong Dantes. Its story revolves around the love affair of a wealthy young man named Carlos Miguel and Cecilia, a poor barrio girl. Their romance is opposed by many, but the two are ready to fight for their love. The series re-aired on its sister network QTV 11 and internationally through GMA Pinoy TV in 2005-2006 and its sister international network GMA Life TV in mid-2008-2009 On August 3, 2012 a conference was held at the GMA Annex building for the remake of the Hit TV series which aired in 2002 with a remake after 10 years the series will star Kapuso talent and New lead actress Andrea Torres in her first dual role as both the real Cecilia and fake Cecilia and Mikael Daez as Carlos Miguel respectively. The series will replace the Afternoon Drama Kasalanan Bang Ibigin Ka? On September 3, 2012 On its GMA AfternoonPRIME block it is also the second remake after the 2011-2012 successful top rating Afternoon Soap Ikaw Lang ang Mamahalin the story will tackle the modern day love story of the ill fated lovers with new twists



Heartland 2007


Life is hard on the Flemings' ranch in the Alberta foothills where abused or neglected horses find refuge with a kind, hard-working family. Debts abound and the bank is about to foreclose. Can they keep the ranch running?



Amphibia 2019


The adventures of 13-year-old, self-centered Anne Boonchuy who is magically transported to the fictitious world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will become a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life.


Maging Sino Ka Man

Maging Sino Ka Man 2006


Maging Sino Ka Man was a critically acclaimed Filipino primetime drama series that premiered on ABS-CBN on October 9, 2006. Book 1 ended on May 25, 2007. Due to its success, a sequel was aired on December 10. The same year, the drama series ended.