Kā izdzīvot aiz restēm

Kā izdzīvot aiz restēm 2015


Krāpšanā pieķertajam miljonāram Džeimsam Kingam tiek dotas 30 dienas laika savest kārtībā darījumus pirms došanās cietumā. Izmisušais hedžfondu menedžeris lūdz savam paziņam afroamerikānim Darnelam Lūisam palīdzēt viņam sagatavoties dzīvei aiz restēm. Pretēji Džeimsa pieņēmumiem, Darnels ir strādīgs uzņēmējs, kurš nekad nav bijis cietumā. Kamēr Darnels palīdz Džeimsam sagatavoties dzīvei nebrīvē, abi vīri atklāj, cik aplamu aizspriedumu varā bijuši par daudzām lietām, tostarp viens par otru.


Killer Cases

Killer Cases 2020


All the emotion, drama and suspense of America's most memorable murder trials are captured. Produced by an Emmy-award winning team, each episode takes viewers through the criminal justice process, from the crime to the investigation to the courtroom testimony and finally, the verdict. It's a journey through the criminal justice process that gives viewers an inside look at real cases like never before.


My True Crime Story

My True Crime Story 2021


Rapper and host Remy Ma profiles ordinary people who reveal how they got mixed up in criminal acts, from bank robberies to jewelry heists, and share their road to redemption in this true crime series.


American Justice

American Justice 1992


Hosted by Bill Kurtis, American Justice looks at groundbreaking criminal cases, presenting viewers with an inside look at the case through the eyes of those directly involved, ranging from law enforcement officers to the victims.