Megalodons 2: Dziļvaga

Megalodons 2: Dziļvaga 2023


Pieredzējušais nirējs Džonass Teilors vada drosmīgu pētnieku komandu izpētes nirienā uz okeāna dziļākajām dzīlēm. Kad nelikumīga izrakteņu ieguve apdraud viņu misiju, piedzīvojums pārvēršas haosā, un lai izdzīvotu, viņiem jāliek uz spēles viss. Mūsu varoņiem cīņā ar milzu megalodoniem un nepiekāpīgiem vides izlaupītājiem jābūt ātrākiem, gudrākiem un izturīgākiem par nežēlīgajiem plēsējiem trauksmainajā sacīkstē ar laiku.


Meklējot Nemo

Meklējot Nemo 2003


Merlins ir klaunzivs, kurš plēsēju uzbrukumā zaudējis visu savu ģimeni. Vienīgais, kas viņam atlicis, ir dēls Nemo. Merlins nebeidz brīdināt dēlu par to, cik okeāns ir bīstams, taču mazais nebēdnis vēlas iepazīt pasauli. Jau savā pirmajā skolas dienā viņš nav gana piesardzīgs - Nemo tiek noķerts un ieslodzīts akvārijā. Viņa tētis kopā ar savu jauno, izklaidīgo draudzeni Doriju ir gatavs šķērsot visu okeānu, lai tikai atrastu savu dēlēnu.


Mazās haizivs lielā filma

Mazās haizivs lielā filma 2024


Mazā haizivs ir feinākā un šarmantākā zivs jūrā, tāpēc ļaunā dziedātāja Stariana izstrādā plānu, lai nozagtu mazās haizivs šarmu un mūzikas spēku.



Megalodons 2018


Pēc tam, kad tai starptautiskai pētnieku komandas zemūdenei uzbrucis noslēpumains milzu radījums, tā nogrimst vienā no dziļākajām Klusā okeāna dziļvagām. Lai glābu zemūdenē iesprostotos cilvēkus, ķīniešu okeanogrāfs Minvejs Džans nolīgst pieredzējušo nirēju Džonasu Teiloru. Turklāt izrādās, ka Teiloram pirms dažiem gadiem jau ir nācies sastapties ar šo aizvēsturisko haizivi – vairāk nekā 20 metrus garo plēsēju megalodonu.



Jaws 1975



Haizivs stāsts

Haizivs stāsts 2004


Oskars ir zivtele, kas allaž par spuras tiesu paglābjas no nepatikšanām. Lenijs ir haizivs, kuram ir noslēpums. Viņš ir veģetārietis. Kad Oskara mazie meli padara viņu par zemūdens pasaules lielo varoni un nāk klajā patiesība par Leniju, viņi abi kļūst par sabiedrotajiem.



Sliktie 2022


Leģendārais laupītāju piecinieks - Misters Vilks, Misters Čūska, Misters Piraija, Misters Haizivs un Mis Tarantula ir labākie no sliktajiem! Viņi ir nepārspējami viltīgi, talantīgi un nenotverami - īsāk sakot, kriminālās pasaules ģēniji. Vai jūs spētu noticēt, ka pienāks brīdis, kad kādam no viņiem prātā pavīdēs doma kļūt par... labo? Uz pasaules vēl neviens nebūs sastapies ar tādām grūtībām kļūt par labajiem kā studijas.


Voltera Mitija slepenā dzīve

Voltera Mitija slepenā dzīve 2013


Volters Mitijs strādā žurnālā Life. Viņa dienas ritms - gatavot fotogrāfijas publikācijām. Lai izbēgtu no rutīnas, Volters sāk sapņot stāstus, kuros viņš ir supervaronis. Volteram dzīvē patīk kolēģe Šerila, ar kuru viņš labprāt saietos, tomēr viņš jūtās nepilnvērtīgs. Kādā brīdī viņam rodas iespēja izbaudīt īstu piedzīvojumu, kad Life jaunie īpašnieki viņu nosūta misijā, kurā jāatrod perfekts attēls pēdējam drukātajam izdevumam.


Baby Shark's Big Show!

Baby Shark's Big Show! 2021


Follow Baby Shark Brooklyn and his best friend William as they journey on fun-filled comedic adventures in their community of Carnivore Cove, meet new friends, and sing original catchy tunes along the way.


Zig and Sharko

Zig and Sharko 2010


On a desert island lives a starving hyena with one obsession: devour that delicious mermaid from the rock in the lagoon. But the lovely fish-girl’s best friend is a shark, a shark with a lot of muscle and who loves to sabotage the hyena’s every move.


Pororo the Little Penguin

Pororo the Little Penguin 2003


Fun adventures await in the forest named Porong Porong Village where Pororo and friends live. New friends show up in the village and many exciting things happen in the forest. Our playful little gentoo penguin Pororo, naughty spinosaurus Crong, sweet and lovely American beaver Loopy, cheerful and sporty Adélie penguin girl Petty, clever fennec fox Eddy, strong minikaniko Rody, trustworthy polar bear Poby, happy-go-lucky hummingbird Harry, magical dragon wizard Tong-Tong, and a red sedan car Tu-Tu live in this snow-covered wonderland.


Kenny the Shark

Kenny the Shark 2003


Kenny the Shark is an animated television series produced by Discovery Kids. The show premiered on NBC's Discovery Kids on NBC from November 1, 2003 and ended February 18, 2006 with two seasons and 26 episodes having been shown. The series continued to run on Discovery Kids until the network changed into The Hub on October 10, 2010. Discovery Kids closed with a 4 hour marathon of Kenny the Shark episodes. Despite the closure, it still aired on The Hub until March 25, 2012. It is about an anthropomorphic tiger shark named Kenny that decides to move out of the ocean. He was the protagonist and main character in the series. This was not Kenny's first appearance, however. In the late-1990s, a series of shorts ran between regular programming. Kenny was not seen, as the camera was from his point of view. A contest was held to guess what kind of shark Kenny was with the result being a tiger shark.


Shark Men

Shark Men 2010


A team of world-class anglers and scientists take on one of the most challenging fish imaginable: the great white shark.


Street Sharks

Street Sharks 1994


Gene-slammed by an evil genius, four young brothers fight for honor and goodness. They are street smart, street tough...STREET SHARKS!


Shark Week

Shark Week 1988


The Discovery Channel's Shark Week, first broadcast on July 17, 1987, is a weeklong series of feature television programs dedicated to sharks. Held annually, normally in July or August, Shark Week was originally developed to raise awareness and respect for sharks. It is the longest-running cable television programming event in history. Now broadcast in over 72 countries, Shark Week is promoted heavily via social networks like Facebook and Twitter.


When Sharks Attack

When Sharks Attack 2013


Terror-filled deep sea saga using underwater photography, gripping news archives & paralyzing testimony to investigate three mysterious and deadly recent shark attacks.


When Sharks Attack 360

When Sharks Attack 360 2023


An international team of experts hunts for clues as they investigate why sharks bite humans. They unravel the surprising threads that link these incidents. As the evidence mounts, they analyze data in a cutting-edge VFX shark lab to understand in forensic detail why sharks attack.



Sharkdog 2021


10 year old Max and his best friend Sharkdog - half shark, half dog, all appetite. Blissfully unaware of his own strength, stealth and general sharkiness, Sharkdog often leaves a trail of chaos in his wake.


Odekake Kozame

Odekake Kozame 2023


The story follows a little shark character, Kozame-chan's adventures in Yauo town, which smells "nostalgic." From radio exercises to festival stalls to meeting with friends, Kozame-chan has a variety of heartwarming experiences in the town.


Deadly Islands

Deadly Islands 2014


Dave Salmoni meets the true survivors of the natural world, when he journeys to some of the globes most remote islands. These islands have developed unique ecosystems and species and these animals have adapted perfectly for their environment.



Shark 2015


A major wildlife series on the sharks of the world with over thirty species filmed, showing how they hunt, intricate social lives, courtship, growing up and the threats they face.


Britain's Whales and Sharks

Britain's Whales and Sharks 2016


Over two programmes, Britain’s Whales and Britain’s Sharks, Ben Fogle and Ellie Harrison go in search of Britain’s sharks and whales. Using the biggest bait on Earth they witness the greatest gathering of sharks ever seen in UK waters and come face to face with a pod of giant Humpbacks. Viewers will get to witness the first ever study of a whale fall event in the UK. Supported by leading experts, both programmes promise to present an unrivalled opportunity for viewers to gain a close insight into marine life around the British Isles.


Ireland's Deep Atlantic

Ireland's Deep Atlantic 2018


Ireland’s Deep Atlantic sees underwater cameraman Ken O’Sullivan embark on a series of voyages out into the open North Atlantic in search of large whales, sharks and cold water coral reefs 3,000 down on Ireland’s deep sea bed. The two-part series will document many of these creatures’ behaviour for the first time in any TV programme and investigate the health of our deep Atlantic waters.


Mission Shark Dome

Mission Shark Dome 2022


Experts use new dive technology to get closer to sharks than ever before.