Atslēgvārds Hacking
Džeisons Borns 2016
Pirms teju divdesmit gadiem jauns kareivis brīvprātīgi pieteicās eksperimentālā īpašo uzdevumu kaujinieku apmācības programmā. Viņam tika apsolīts, ka tā viņš atriebs sava tēva nāvi un godam kalpos dzimtenei, liekot lietā izcilo intelektu, izveicību un pielāgošanās spējas. Tie bija meli. Un jūs zināt, kas notika tālāk. Džeisonam Bornam ir laiks atgriezties...
Meitene ar pūķa tetovējumu 2011
Filma, uzņemta pēc Stīga Larsona romāna, kas ir pirmā grāmata triloģijā Millenium, stāsta par meiteni, kas pazudusi pirms 40 gadiem un kuras liktenis nedod mieru kādam vīram. Pēdējā mēģinājumā atklāt meitenes pazušanas noslēpumu viņš noalgo žurnālistu, kas spējis atrisināt vissarežģītāko noziegumu detaļas.
Hakeris 2015
Filmas darbība risinās pasaulē, kurā lielāko apdraudējumu cilvēcei rada kibernoziegumi. Lielvalstu slepenajiem dienestiem jāaptur vērienīgs sazvērestības plāns, un lai to izdarītu, viņiem nākas piesaistīt Nikolasu Heteveju – bijušo programmētāju un hakeri, kurš atrodas apcietinājumā.
Cietais rieksts 4 2007
Kriminālkomēdija par sīku blēdi un viņa centieniem pierunāt savu ekscentrisko draugu nodot ģimenes uzņēmuma apsardzi viņa rokās. Protams, sekas ir vienlaikus briesmīgas un ļoti smieklīgas, un stāvoklis kļūst vēl sarežģītāks, kas emocionāli nelīdzsvarots policists sāk izmeklēt notikumu, kas, viņaprāt, ir slepkavība.
Unfriended: Dark Web 2018
Spēles gūstekņi 2016
Apzinīgajai pēdējā kursa studentei Vī Delmoniko ir apnikusi kārtīgā un paredzamā dzīve. Draugu pamudināta viņa pievienojas populārajai tiešsaistes spēlei "Nervs", kas pārbauda spēlētāja drosmi dažādos nervus kutinošos izaicinājumos. Sajūtot spēles garšu pēc pirmā veiksmīgi izpildītā uzdevuma, Vī turpina dzīties pēc jaunām adrenalīna sajūtām. Taču spēle tikai uzņem apgriezienus! Kad uz spēles ir likts viss, kāds būs meitenes nākamais gājiens?
Bēgšanas plāns 2 2018
Hackers 1995
Superman III 1983
스마트폰을 떨어뜨렸을 뿐인데 2023
Les Chambres rouges 2023
조작된 도시 2017
The Net 1995
The Perfect Score 2004
The Den 2013
Crypto 2019
Takedown 2000
Lady Voyeur 2023
A talented, voyeuristic hacker finds herself thrust into a dangerous investigation after her sex worker neighbor leaves for a weekend trip.
The Capture 2019
When soldier Shaun Emery's conviction for a murder in Afghanistan is overturned due to flawed video evidence, he returns to life as a free man with his young daughter. But when damning CCTV footage from a night out in London comes to light, Shaun's life takes a shocking turn and he must soon fight for his freedom once again.
Incorporated 2016
Set in a near future where corporations have unlimited power, a young executive conceals his true identity to infiltrate a dangerous corporate world to save the woman he loves.
Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet 2022
Conspiracy. Fraud. Violence. Murder. What starts out virtual can get real all too quickly — and when the web is worldwide, so are the consequences.
Hacked 2021
You are never alone. Your movements are constantly monitored, as are your choices and opinions. Everything is registered and monitored. How easy is it to take over your digital life? And how easy would it be for an attacker to take over companies and authorities in Sweden? The series Hackad is an experiment where hackers tricks their way into companies and take over their networks. We get to see how easy it is to follow every trace that a private person leaves behind and how easy it can be to make payments in someone else's name.
Hackers Stories 2023
Team Whack 2019
Three professional hackers reveal how to mess up your life. They target things like smart devices, cars and even a housing company. Goal is to help to protect you from these attacks.
Baldr Force EXE 2006
The network covers the whole globe, and the development of the information network reaches its acme. In this age, there are two developed worlds; the "real world" and "wired" — the virtual network world. Souma Tooru belongs to a group of hackers called Steppen Wolf, surfing the network freely. On their last job they attacked the database of the UN forces. During this attack, he loses Nonomura Yuuya, his friend and team leader. Tooru is arrested by the army. In exchange for letting him free, he has to work for an anti-hacker organization, the first squad of the UN Security Force Information Administration Bureau. Working for them, Tooru searches for the person that killed his friend, while the other members also have their own reason to fight. The three-way battles between the terrorist group, the security enterprise, and the army, continue from day to day. And when several seemingly unconnected events occur during these skirmishes, it becomes quite clear that something big is afoot.
Mundo Hacker 2014
Hackers 2016
hacker : HUNTER 2019
A Real-Cybercrime Series that recaps the most notorious cybercrime cases of the recent years. It explores stories of the people working to stop cybercrime and build a safer future. While cybercrime is a technological process, it is created and performed by people. At the same time, police and security experts are trying to be a step ahead and stop them. hacker:HUNTER is looking at these people: the heroes stopping cybercrime, the motivations that drive cybercriminals and the question where the frontier between good and evil, between white and black is.