Kung Fu Panda 4

Kung Fu Panda 4 2024


Panda vārdā Po, pazīstams arī kā Pūķa Cīnītājs, ir slavens ar īpašajām cīņas mākslas prasmēm, ar ko viņš uzveicis pasaules līmeņa ļaundarus. Nu liktenis viņam ir sagatavojis ko jaunu – kļūt par Miera ielejas garīgo vadoni. Hmm… Tas varētu būt pagrūti… Pirmkārt, Po par garīgo vadību zina tikpat, cik par diētām (neko), un, otrkārt, viņam ātri jāatrod un jāapmāca jauns Pūķa Cīnītājs!



Spārnos 2023


Filmu “Super Mario Brāļi” un “Minioni” autori aicina jūs pacelties spārnos un doties jautrās ģimenes brīvdienās. Meža pīļu ģimene ir iestrēgusi rutīnā. Kamēr tētis Maks ir apmierināts ar to, ka viņa ģimene mūžīgi peldēs dīķī, mamma Pema vēlas parādīt visu pasauli saviem bērniem — dēlam Deksam un meitai Gvenai. Kad migrējošā pīļu ģimene piezemējas viņu dīķī ar aizraujošiem stāstiem par tālām vietām, Pema pārliecina Maku doties ģimenes ceļojumā caur Ņujorku - uz tropisko Jamaiku!


Super Mario brāļi: Filma

Super Mario brāļi: Filma 2023


Santehniķis Mario un viņa brālis Luidži nokāpj apakšzemes tunelī Bruklinā, lai salabotu ūdensvadu, un pa noslēpumainu cauruli nokļūst jaunā, maģiskā pasaulē. Kad brāļi negaidīti tiek izšķirti, Mario uzsāk episku ceļojumu, lai atrastu Luidži. Ar sēņu vīreļa palīdzību viņš nonāk pie Sēņu karaļvalsts valdnieces - princeses Pīčas. Viņas virsvadībā Mario sagatavojas gaidāmajiem pārbaudījumiem. Mario ir pārliecināts, ka atradīs brāli, lai tur vai kas! Kad abi brāļi atkal ir kopā – iespējams ir viss!



Šreks 2001


Reiz sensenos laikos, tālā purvā dzīvoja kašķīgs milzis - cilvēkēdājs vārdā Šreks. Viņa vientulīgo dzīvi pēkšņi satracināja uzmācīgu un kaitinošu pasaku varoņu ierašanās. Viņa ēdienā piepeši atradās akla pele, viņa gultā gulēja lielais, ļaunais vilks un trīs bezpajumtnieki sivēntiņi nedeva miera ne mirkli. Viņus visus no dzimtās karaļvalsts bija padzinis ļaunais Lords Farkvads. Lai glābtu viņu mājas, nemaz nerunājot par savām, Šreks ar ļauno Lordu noslēdza vienošanos un devās izglābt Lorda līgavu - skaisto princesi Fionu no briesmīgā pūķa liesmojošās rīkles. Šajā uzdevumā viņam līdzi devās asprātīgais ēzelītis Donkijs, kurš bija gatavs darīt visu Šreka labā, tikai ne apklust.


Šreks 2

Šreks 2 2004


Fiona un Šreks atgriežas no medusmēneša. Viņus sagaida vēstule no Fionas vecākiem ar uzaicinājumu ierasties ciemos. Kopā ar pļāpīgo un brīžiem burtiski neizturamo Ēzeli jaunlaulātie dodas ceļā uz tālo karaļvalsti. Taču ne karalienei, ne karalim līdz jaunlaulāto ierašanās brīdim nav ne jausmas, kāds izskatās viņu jaunais znots un cik ļoti viņu mazā meitiņa ir... hmm... izmainījusies.



Zootropole 2016


Laipni lūgti Zootropolē - pilsētā, kurā mīt visdažādākie dzīvnieki. Šeit viss notiek tieši tāpat, kā pie cilvēkiem - pilsētas sadalījumā ir gan elitāri rajoni, gan arī tādi, kuros labāk nebāzt degunu. Kad Zootropolē parādās jauna policiste - zaķene Džūdija, par tās kolēģi kļūst pļāpīgais un viltīgais lapsa Niks. Viņiem abiem nāksies atrisināt kādu sarežģītu lietu, no kuras būs atkarīgs visas Zootropoles iemītnieku liktenis.


Pērtiķu planētas atmoda

Pērtiķu planētas atmoda 2014


Cēzara vadīto ģenētiski modificēto pērtiķu skaits turpina pieaugt, taču tos apdraud cilvēki, kuri spējuši izdzīvot pēc epidēmijas desmit gadus atpakaļ. Starp sāncenšiem nodibinās trausls un pavisam neilgs pamiers. Pērtiķi un cilvēki ir nonākuši kara priekšvakarā - šī nežēlīgā notikuma rezultātam ir jāizšķir, kura no abām minētajām sugām kļūs par dominējošo uz planētas.


Dziedi! 2

Dziedi! 2 2021


Studijas “Illumination” animācijas filmas “Dziedi!” varoņi atgriežas ar lieliem sapņiem un saviļņojošām dziesmām filmas turpinājumā! Vienmēr optimistiskais koala Basters Mūns un viņa zvaigžņu izpildītāju grupa gatavojas žilbinošākajam skatuves notikumam pasaules izklaides galvaspilsētā. Ir tikai viena ķibele: viņiem ir jāpārliecina rokzvaigzne – lauva Klejs Kelovejs, pievienoties viņiem. Lai to izdarītu, Basteram un viņa dziedošajai komandai – daudzsivēnu mammai Rositai, dzeloņcūkai Ešai, gorillam Džonijam, kautrīgajai zilonītei Mīnai un, protams, ruksītim Ginteram būs jābūt uzdevuma augstumos, lai apvestu ap stūri lielo, pelēko magnātu - vilku Džimiju. Ja viņiem izdosies pierunāt lauvu pievienoties, Bastera jaunais šovs krāšņajā Redšoras pilsētā būs patiesi neaizmirstams!


Meklējot Nemo

Meklējot Nemo 2003


Merlins ir klaunzivs, kurš plēsēju uzbrukumā zaudējis visu savu ģimeni. Vienīgais, kas viņam atlicis, ir dēls Nemo. Merlins nebeidz brīdināt dēlu par to, cik okeāns ir bīstams, taču mazais nebēdnis vēlas iepazīt pasauli. Jau savā pirmajā skolas dienā viņš nav gana piesardzīgs - Nemo tiek noķerts un ieslodzīts akvārijā. Viņa tētis kopā ar savu jauno, izklaidīgo draudzeni Doriju ir gatavs šķērsot visu okeānu, lai tikai atrastu savu dēlēnu.


Karš par Pērtiķu planētu

Karš par Pērtiķu planētu 2017


Ģenētiski modificēto pērtiķu armiju gaida jauns izaicinājums - viņiem ir jādodas nāvējošā cīņā pret cilvēku armiju, kuras priekšgalā atrodas nežēlīgais Pulkvedis. Ciešot milzīgus zaudējumus, Cēzars uzsāk savu personīgo karu, atriebjoties par saviem dzimtas brāļiem. Beigu beigās Cēzaram un Pulkvedim nāksies tikties episkā kaujā, lai noskaidrotu, kura no sugām valdīs par Zemi - pērtiķi vai cilvēki.


Vāģi 3

Vāģi 3 2017


Zibens Makvīns sacenšas ar jaunās paaudzes braucējiem, lai pierādītu, ka viņš joprojām ir labākais sacīkšu auto visā pasaulē.


Madagaskaras pingvīni

Madagaskaras pingvīni 2014


Skipers, Kovaļskis, Riko un Ierindnieks apvieno spēkus ar slepenu organizāciju Ziemeļvējš, lai neļautu ļaundarim Dr. Oktīvijam Brīzem iznīcināt mūsu planētu.


Kung Fu Panda 3

Kung Fu Panda 3 2016


Dzīvojot pilnvērtīgu un mīlestības pilnu dzīvi, Po saprot, ka daudz kas jāmācās, ja viņš vēlas izpildīt nākamo trenera doto izaicinājumu. Atkal satiekoties ar sen neredzēto tēvu, Po jāpārvēršas no studenta par skolotāju, un cīņas sportā jāapmāca vairākas neveiklas pandas. Kopā komanda apņemas tikt galā ar ļauno Kai - pārdabisku kaujenieku, kas kļūst stiprāks ar katru nākamo cīņu.


Džungļu grāmata

Džungļu grāmata 2016


Filmas pamatā ir Redjarda Kiplinga slavenā grāmatu sērija par Maugli. Uzaudzis džungļos vilku barā, viņš sastopas ar savu ienaidnieku - tīģeri Širhanu, kurš ir gatavs iznīcināt visu, kas Mauglim ir kļuvis tuvs. Lai tiktu skaidrībā pats ar sevi un gūtu rūdījumu pārbaudījumos, Mauglis dodas episkā ceļojumā kopā ar saviem pavadoņiem - lāci Balū un panteru Bagiru.


Regular Show

Regular Show 2010


Two bored groundskeepers, Mordecai (a six-foot-tall blue jay) and Rigby (a hyperactive raccoon) are best friends who spend their days trying to entertain themselves by any means necessary, much to the displeasure of their boss. Their everyday pursuits often lead to things spiraling out of control and into the surreal.


Dora the Explorer

Dora the Explorer 2000


A young girl named Dora goes on adventures with her red boot-wearing monkey named Boots.


Thomas & Friends

Thomas & Friends 1984


Thomas & Friends is a British children's television series, which had its first broadcast on the ITV network on 4 September 1984. It is based on The Railway Series of books by the Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son, Christopher Awdry. These books deal with the adventures of a group of anthropomorphised locomotives and road vehicles who live on the fictional Island of Sodor. The books were based on stories Wilbert told to entertain his son, Christopher during his recovery from measles. From Series one to four, many of the stories are based on events from Awdry's personal experience.


Mickey Mouse Funhouse

Mickey Mouse Funhouse 2021


Mickey Mouse, and his friends – Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto – to Funny, an enchanted talking playhouse, who takes the Sensational Six on adventures of all types to unique worlds that inspire the imagination.


Dog with a Blog

Dog with a Blog 2012


Avery Jennings and Tyler James are step-siblings who are complete opposites. The family faces an even bigger adjustment when their new dog, Stan, can talk and also has a blog, unbeknownst to the family. Stan uses his blog to discuss the happenings in the Jennings-James household. Avery and Tyler later learn of Stan's talking ability and agree to keep it a secret from their parents.


The Huckleberry Hound Show

The Huckleberry Hound Show 1958


The Huckleberry Hound Show is a 1958 syndicated animated series and the second from Hanna-Barbera following The Ruff & Reddy Show, sponsored by Kellogg's. Three segments were included in the program: one featuring Huckleberry Hound; another starring Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo Boo; and a third with Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks, two mice who in each short found a new way to outwit the cat Mr. Jinks.


BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman 2014


Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the 90s - 20 years later. BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit TV show "Horsin' Around," but today he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters.


The Atom Ant Show

The Atom Ant Show 1965


Operating out of his private anthill, the formidable Atom Ant picks up distress calls via his built-in antennae and heads out to battle a fearsomely delightful array of dastards including Bug Fat Dynamo, Crankenshaft, M.D. and his arch-nemesis Ferocious Flea. Sharing screen time with our hero are Precious Pupp, a rascal of a mutt who hides his antics from the kindly Granny Sweets and the Hillbilly Bears, the most ridiculous bears to ever come from the Blue Ridge Mountains.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Aqua Teen Hunger Force 2000


The surreal adventures of three anthropomorphic fast food items: Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad, and their human nextdoor neighbor, Carl Brutananadilewski.


The Secret Squirrel Show

The Secret Squirrel Show 1965


The half-hour The Secret Squirrel Show included three individual cartoon segments: "Secret Squirrel", "Squiddly Diddly" and "Winsome Witch".


The Peter Potamus Show

The Peter Potamus Show 1964


Peter Potamus is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera. The main segment featuring Peter Potamus and his diminutive sidekick So-So the monkey. Peter is big, purple, and friendly, dressed in a safari jacket and hat. Episodes generally consisted of Peter and So-So exploring the world in his hot air balloon, which was capable of time travel at the spin of a dial. When faced with a precarious situation, Peter uses his Hippo Hurricane Holler to blow away his opponents. The second segment, Breezly and Sneezly, featured a polar bear named Breezly Bruin and his friend Sneezly the Seal who used various schemes to break into an army camp in the frozen north, while trying to stay one step ahead of the camp's leader Colonel Fuzzby. The final segment, Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey, featured three dogs named Yippee, Yappee, and Yahooey who work for the King, a short, complaining ruler who is often on the receiving end of their antics.


Quick Draw McGraw

Quick Draw McGraw 1959


The Quick Draw McGraw Show is the third cartoon television production created by Hanna-Barbera, starring an anthropomorphic cartoon horse named Quick Draw McGraw


Littlest Pet Shop

Littlest Pet Shop 2012


When Blythe Baxter moved into the city with her father, she never expected to move into the apartment above the Littlest Pet Shop. But an even bigger surprise awaited her. Blythe can talk to pets... and they can talk back!


Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z 1989


The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.


Di Gi Charat

Di Gi Charat 1999


DiGi Charat is a series of shorts created as advertisements for "Digital Gamers," a store in Akihabara. The series follows Dejiko, princess of DiGi Charat planet, and her companions, Puchiko and Gema, as well as Dejiko's rival, Rabi~en~Rose through daily ordeals they encounter while working at Gamers.



ThunderCats 1985


The inhabitants of the planet Thundera evacuate just before it is destroyed. They were pursued by a band of mutants. All but one of their escape ships was destroyed. Only a small group of Thunderans (Thundercats) remained. With only half engine power, the group, which was led by Jaga, had to set a course for the nearest planet. Jaga commanded their ship while the other seven were in their stasis tubes. Jaga died on their journey to Third Earth and their ship crashed there. Soon they made friends with various groups in the area and they designed a fortress. Mumm-Ra the centuries-old embodiment of evil, along with the mutants that destroyed the rest of the Thunderans are a constant threat. But Lion-O, the new leader of the Thundercats, with his weapon the "Sword of Omens" will help the Thundercats to have a standing chance.


Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave

Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave 2015


An adventure-filled series bubbling with fun and games featuring three loveable and playful friends. Presented as a modern game show spectacular for kids, viewers are invited to join in their fun as they embark on every new and exciting day trip. 


Hector's House

Hector's House 1967


Hector's House is a children's television series using hand puppets. Like the better known The Magic Roundabout it was actually a French production revoiced for a British audience. A gentle, rather than subversive or outright bizarre, series, it was first broadcast in 1965. Its French title was La Maison de Toutou and the French version was written by Georges Croses. "La Maison de Toutou" translates as "The House of the Doggie" and in the French version, Zsazsa is known as ZouZou. In the UK, it was screened in the late 1960s and early 1970s for its 5-minute-long screenings on BBC 1 at 5.40 p.m. before the News. The main characters, affable Hector the Dog and cute Zsazsa the Cat, live in a house and beautiful garden. Kiki the Frog, dressed in a pink smock, is a constant and at times an intrusive visitor, through her hole in the wall. Despite Hector's willingness to endlessly help them out, Kiki and Zsazsa often played tricks on him to teach him a lesson, leading him to say his catchphrase at the end of the episode, "I'm a Great Big [whatever he was] Old Hector. Hector's voice was performed by Paul Bacon, who died in 1995. The voice of Kiki was by Denise Bryer, who also had roles in Noddy, Terrahawks and Labyrinth. The voice of Zsazsa was supplied by Lucie Dolène. About 78 episodes were made, each of 5 minutes' duration. A DVD featuring some of these episodes has been released.


Ricochet Rabbit & Droop-a-Long

Ricochet Rabbit & Droop-a-Long 1964


Ricochet Rabbit & Droop-a-Long was a segment of Hanna-Barbera's 1964–1966 cartoon The Magilla Gorilla Show, and later appeared on The Peter Potamus Show.



BNA 2020


Morphed into a raccoon beastman, Michiru seeks refuge, and answers, with the aid of wolf beastman Shirou inside the special zone of Anima-City.