Pēc saules

Pēc saules 2022


Sofija atceras dalītās prieka un melanholijas jūtas, kas virmoja pirms vairāk nekā 20 gadiem kopā ar tēvu pavadītajās brīvdienās. Īstas un izdomātas atmiņas aizpilda robus, lai sasaistītu divus tēlus – tēva, kuru viņa pazina, un vīrieša, kuru nepazina. Saldsērīgs stāsts par ģimenes attiecībām. Filmu augstu novērtējuši kinokritiķi, savukārt Pols Meskals tika nominēts "Oskara" balvai kā gada labākais aktieris.



Bladšots 2020


Kāds kareivis, kas gājis bojā kaujas laikā, tiek atgriezts dzīvē ar jaunāko nano un biotehnoloģiju palīdzību: viņa organismā ievadītie mikroskopiskie nanoroboti vīrieti ir pataisījuši par supercilvēku, biotehnoloģiju brīnumu, neapturamu spēku – viņš pats spēj sevi izārstēt un ir tikpat kā neiznīcināms. Tomēr viņš sāk atcerēties savu iepriekšējo dzīvi, savu nogalināto sievu un viņas slepkavas un grasās atriebties. Taču vai uz šīm atmiņām var paļauties? Un vai atriebes kāre ir viņa paša jūtas?


Assassin`s Creed: Slepkavas kodekss

Assassin`s Creed: Slepkavas kodekss 2016


Pateicoties revolucionārajai tehnoloģijai, kura atbrīvo ģenētisko atmiņu, Kalums Linčs ir spējīgs izdzīvot sava 500 gadus senā priekšteča piedzīvojumus viduslaiku Spānijā. Ieguvis neticamas zināšanas un spējas, Kalums ir gatavs mest izaicinājumu slepenajam templiešu ordenim arī mūsdienās.



Devējs 2014


Jona dzīvo nevainojamā sabiedrībā, ko neplosa kari, nesaskaņas, ciešanas, kurā nav ne prieka, ne atmiņu. Ikviens šajā sabiedrībā dzīvo saskaņā ar noteiktu kārtību, nesaskaroties ar izvēles grūtībām. Padome nolemj, ka jauneklim jākļūst par sabiedrības pagātnes atmiņu glabātāju, pārņemot tās no Devēja. Jonam atklājas patiesība par īsto pasauli un visu, kas ar to saistīts - prieku, baudu un arī sāpēm.



Noziedznieks 2016


Izmisīgs mēģinājums apturēt noziedznieku plānu beidzas ar to, ka bojā gājušā CIP aģenta atmiņas, noslēpumi un iemaņas tiek nodotas uz nāvi notiesātajam, lai viņš pabeigtu aģenta misiju.


Paralēlās mātes

Paralēlās mātes 2021


Divas sievietes, Dženisa un Ana, pirms dzemdībām nokļūst vienā slimnīcas istabā. Abas ir neprecētas, un viņu grūtniecība ir neplānota. Dženisa ir pusmūžā un neko nenožēlo, viņa ir sajūsmā par gaidāmo bērnu. Taču pusaudze Ana ir nobijusies, traumēta un jūt nožēlu. Dženisa cenšas viņu iedrošināt, kamēr abas kā mēnessērdzīgas slīd pa slimnīcas gaiteņiem. Daži vārdi, kurus viņas pārmij šajās stundās, rada starp jaunajām māmiņām ciešu saikni. Nejaušības dēļ tā pārtop par sarežģītām attiecībām, kas neatgriezeniski izmaina abu sieviešu dzīvi.



Blindspot 2015


A vast international plot explodes when a beautiful Jane Doe is discovered naked in Times Square, completely covered in mysterious, intricate tattoos with no memory of who she is or how she got there. But there's one tattoo that is impossible to miss: the name of FBI agent Kurt Weller, emblazoned across her back. "Jane," Agent Weller and the rest of the FBI quickly realize that each mark on her body is a crime to solve, leading them closer to the truth about her identity and the mysteries to be revealed.



Severance 2022


Mark leads a team of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. When a mysterious colleague appears outside of work, it begins a journey to discover the truth about their jobs.



Legion 2017


David Haller, AKA Legion, is a troubled young man who may be more than human. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, David has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years. But after a strange encounter with a fellow patient, he’s confronted with the possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees might be real.



Dollhouse 2009


Echo is a member of a highly illegal and underground group of individuals whose personalities have been wiped clean so they can be imprinted with any number of new personas. Confined between missions to a secret facility known as the Dollhouse, the "Actives" are hired by the wealthy, powerful and connected to wholly become—with mind, personality and physiology—whomever the client wants or needs them to be. They know no other life than the specific engagements they are in at that time—or do they?


Unmet: Diary of a Neurosurgeon

Unmet: Diary of a Neurosurgeon 2024


Kawauchi Miyabi was once a promising neurosurgeon, but an accident caused damage to Miyabi's brain. She is unable to remember the past 2 years of her life and she will forget everything that happened today when she wakes up the next day. She has all but given up on becoming a doctor and works as an assistant nurse. One day, Neurosurgeon Sanpei Tomoharu appears in front of her. He is known as an eccentric person. Sanpei Tomoharu guides Kawauchi Miyabi at his own pace, regardless of her will. This actually helps Kawauchi Miyabi as a doctor and a patient. The mystery hidden in her missing memories is gradually revealed, which contains a secret.


Welcome to the El-Palacio

Welcome to the El-Palacio 2011


The story revolves around a man who loses his memory in a traffic accident and wakes up surrounded by the women of the El Palacio – a female professional wrestling group. Unable to regain his memory, he ends up living with the El Palacio and becoming their referee.


Showa Monogatari

Showa Monogatari 2011


Shōwa Monogatari is a 2011 Japanese anime film and television series about the Yamazaki family, who live in Tokyo during Shōwa 39, the same year Tokyo hosts the 1964 Summer Olympics. The film, directed by Tadahiro Murakami, was released in Japan on January 29, 2011. Hiroshi Kugimiya directed the 13-episode television series, which had its broadcast run between April and July 2011



Mémorable! 2019


Each week, two teams consisting of a celebrity and a competitor will face off in a contest where $2,000 a day is at stake. The teams memorize all the answers before each game and have to be ready to use them at the right time, either to answer questions asked by host Pierre-Yves Lord or to help their partner guess words.


Hit Man

Hit Man 1983


Hit Man is an American television game show that ran from January 3 to April 1, 1983, on NBC. Peter Tomarken hosted this Jay Wolpert production in association with Metromedia Video Productions, while Rod Roddy was the announcer.


The Krypton Factor

The Krypton Factor 2008


One of Britain’s most iconic and ground- breaking television quiz shows has been brought bang up-to-date for today’s viewers – and this time the challenges are even tougher.



Geheugenmemory 2022


Six tough questions are hidden behind twelve memory cards. If Arjen turns over a set, he can ask the question. Does the guest get a set? Then the question is out of the game.


The Real Thing

The Real Thing 1983


Asking how you tell what's real and what isn't sounds like an obvious question. But in this series of six programmes, James Burke shows that the more you think about it the harder it is to answer. After all, what have you got, apart from your five senses, to prove those senses are giving you the real thing?


The Exit List

The Exit List 1970


A game show following contestants as they travel through a massive maze, answering multiple-choice questions along the way. The maze consists of rooms filled with money; and the further in they go, the bigger the prize. But in order to collect the price, however, contestants must remember what they learned along the way as they find their way out.