Volstrītas vilks 2013
Stāsts balstīts uz reāliem faktiem par Džordanu Belfortu – sākot ar kļūšanu par bagātu akciju brokeri līdz pat viņa norietam, kas saistīts ar noziedzību, korupciju un federālo valdību.
Stāsts balstīts uz reāliem faktiem par Džordanu Belfortu – sākot ar kļūšanu par bagātu akciju brokeri līdz pat viņa norietam, kas saistīts ar noziedzību, korupciju un federālo valdību.
Laipni lūgti Zootropolē - pilsētā, kurā mīt visdažādākie dzīvnieki. Šeit viss notiek tieši tāpat, kā pie cilvēkiem - pilsētas sadalījumā ir gan elitāri rajoni, gan arī tādi, kuros labāk nebāzt degunu. Kad Zootropolē parādās jauna policiste - zaķene Džūdija, par tās kolēģi kļūst pļāpīgais un viltīgais lapsa Niks. Viņiem abiem nāksies atrisināt kādu sarežģītu lietu, no kuras būs atkarīgs visas Zootropoles iemītnieku liktenis.
Lepnā slavena arhitekta projektētā namā plaukst modernās pilsētvides elites pārstāvju dzīve, savukārt kādā nolaistā puspagraba miteklī savu situāciju apņēmīgi cenšas pārvarēt trūkuma un neveiksmju vajāta ģimene. Kad liktenis piedāvā iespēju šādu cilvēku ceļiem krustoties, ieguvumu un postījumu apmērs nav paredzams.
Divi draugi dodas ceļā, lai piepildītu savu sapni un beidzot atrastu Eldorado zeltu un bagātības. Ceļā, kurš pilns ar dažādiem pārbaudījumiem, draugi saprot, ka viņiem jau pieder lielākā bagātība, kādu vien var vēlēties – tā ir viņu draudzība!
Vēl neizstāstīta nodaļa no Zāģera personīgākās spēles. Notikumi risinās laikā starp „Zāģi I” un „Zāģi II”, kad slimais un izmisušais Džons dodas uz Meksiku, lai veiktu riskantu un eksperimentālu ārstniecības procedūru cerībā uzveikt vēzi, bet par nelaimi atklāj krāpniekus, kas izmāna naudu no visievainojamākajiem. Bruņojies ar jauno mērķi, sērijveida slepkava atgriežas pie darba, vēršoties pret blēžiem, sev raksturīgajā veidā izliekot viltīgas, atjautīgas un psiholoģiski izaicinošas lamatas.
Cilvēka prāts ir lēns, tas nespēj fokusēties uz vairākām lietām vienlaikus. Atliek vien novērst upura uzmanību un tad veikli viņu aptīrīt... Šo ļaužu vājību savā labā izmanto rūdītais mahinators Nikijs, kurš krāpnieka aroda smalkumus māca arī savai draudzenei Džesai. Tomēr, kad viņu romantiskās attiecības kļūst pārāk ciešas, Niks Džesu pēkšņi pamet. Pēc trīs gadiem bijusī mīļākā - tagad satriecoša "liktenīgā sieviete" - uzrodas Buenosairesā, kur Nikijs izplānojis kārtējo afēru.
Danny Ocean ir harizmātisks zaglis, kurš tikai 24 stundas pēc ilga cietumsoda izciešanas jau plāno savu nākamo noziegumu. Viņa mērķis: atbrīvot lielāko kazino vēsturi vēsturē. Lai to izdarītu, viņš izveidos vienpadsmit vīru komandu, katra no tām būs labākā savā laukumā. Tomēr radīsies negaidīta problēma: telpu īpašnieks Terijs Benediks iepazīstas ar Tesu, savu bijušo sievu.
Vienkāršība vai glamūrs – sieviešu alkas atriebties nav atkarīgas no viņu maciņu biezuma. Divas krāpnieces nolemj atmaksāt vīriešiem, kuri nodarījuši viņām pāri.
Ir 1978. gads. Uzņēmējs un veikls blēdis Ērvings Rozenfelds kādā ballītē iepazīstas ar striptīza dejotāju Sidniju Proseri. Drīz vien abi kļūst par mīlniekiem un Sidnija iesaistās Ērvinga afērās, uzdodoties par britu aristokrāti. Izmanīgais FIB aģents Ričijs pieķer abus afēristus un piespiež sadarboties, lai atmaskotu citu krāpnieku shēmas. Apstākļus vēl vairāk sarežģī Ērvinga neizdevusies laulība ar neirotisko Rozalīnu.
Stāsts par trīs mīlasstāstiem un trīs pāriem, kas risinās trīs dažādās pilsētās-Romā, Parīzē un Ņujorkā.
A motley group of London con artists pull of a series of daring and intricate stings.
Shiba Ryoma, a genius lawyer, cleared the bar exam with the highest score while attending university and became the youngest co-partner at a major law firm. He is valued as a legal advisor to numerous major clients. One day, Shiba meets Haruto, a mysterious genius con artist, at a bar. Haruto invites Shiba, who is looking for a capable work partner, saying, "You can be my partner." Buying Haruto's talent for pretending to be someone else, Shiba decides to keep Haruto in his home. A life together with his secret partner begins.
A coldhearted heiress, a man from her past and an ambitious new hire in her company all become entangled on a battleground for money and power.
Maddie, a persona shifting con-artist who is as beautiful as she is dangerous, leaves her unwitting victims tormented when they realize they have been used and robbed of everything – including their hearts. But things get complicated when her former targets, Ezra, Richard, and Jules team up to track her down.
There are countless incidents happening in one day. The corruption of the upper class discourages the common people who are living their lives diligently. From immorality to financial fraud, and they even commit a highly developed type of expedient. The victims of corruption are us, the common people. However, we have no choice but to be relieved that the victim is not me at least for this time. To turn the table, the best experts in each field have gathered! The former insurance investigator, Tae Joon, has a son who is terminally ill. To save his son, he accepts the deal which is extremely dangerous. And his life completely changes after that day. He organizes a team to get back at those corrupted rich people. With Su Kyung, Na Byeol, Roy, and Eui Sung, Tae Joon approaches to the conspiracy. Self-interest is rampant in our society, but through their journey to exposing the corruption, they begin to understand each other at the end.
Two socially-awkward thirty-somethings and a young con woman start a rock band that takes the Buenos Aires music scene by storm.
Models Inc. is an American prime time soap opera that aired on the Fox television network during the 1994-1995 television season. It is the third series in the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise. The series was created by Charles Pratt, Jr. and Frank South, and executive produced by Aaron Spelling, Charles Pratt, Jr., Frank South, and E. Duke Vincent.
Sing Gwok-dung is upset when he is transferred from the Anti-Serious Crime and Triad Organization to the frivolous Anit-Swindler Unit. He is reluctant to cooperate with his new superior Gong Yut-guk, but changes his attitude when his idol, Inspector Lam Zi-ho, commits suicide. Conned by swindlers, Zi-ho is in heavy debt. He has no way out but to kill himself. Gwok-dung is determined to avenge for Zi-ho, but when he and Yut-guk trace the cause of Zi-ho's death, they are unprepared for what they discover.
Award-winning novice director Chan Chi Yeung insists on his own way, causing showbiz people to distance themselves from him and the artistic director of the film crew. Fast-forward ten years and Chi Yeung, producer Herman, screenwriter Lee Sa Sa, martial arts choreographer Master Man, production designer Shell, actress Lau Ka Ling and assistant director Choi Tsz Lok meet up again as they want to launch a project with the objective of making their best movie. Their dream is shattered when the investor accidentally dies. They even have to settle a big restaurant bill. To let themselves off the hook, the septet showcase a seemingly believable scam. Chi Yeung then brings the chums together to establish “Fraudstars”. Until one day, a real crime syndicate show up to force them to have the only option of engaging in a scam.
Following the May 1968 civil unrest in France, a deaf-mute and a con artist simultaneously stumble upon the remnants of a secret society.
Written by Alphonse Boudard, Le Mythomane had its origins in an episode of the 1979 series Histoires de voyous directed by Michel Wyn. The TV series tells the story of the daily lives of common petty thieves. This nice little gang consisted of Aunt Victoire, a “baroness” of the underhanded (Suzy Delair), Fernand, a gutsy rascal from the slums (Jacques Balutin) and Norbert Beaufumé (Francis Perrin), a petulant con artist whose pathological lying has driven him to maintaining two separate families. TV mini series
Explore the extraordinary measures taken by ten savvy individuals to pull off mind-boggling, high-stakes gambles. Each episode charts the exploits of an overzealous entrepreneur who may have gone too far in their pursuit of riches and recognition.