Hommelette for Hamlet, operetta inqualificabile (da J. Laforgue)

Hommelette for Hamlet, operetta inqualificabile (da J. Laforgue) 1990


A TV movie variation on Shakespeare's Hamlet. The movie is a part of Carmelo Bene's multi-medial project on Hamlet, also including the theatrical movie "Un Amleto di meno", a stage drama and the experimental video "Amleto di Carmelo Bene (Da Shakespeare a Laforgue).


In-vulnerabilità d'Achille (tra Sciro e Ilio)

In-vulnerabilità d'Achille (tra Sciro e Ilio) 1997


One of the last TV performances by Carmelo Bene, from Publio Papinio Stazio and Henrich Von Kleist, mixing the myth of the amazon Pentesilea with the invulnerability of the greek hero Achilles. Bene performs alone in a stage filled with mannequins, acting in playback.