Dr. Cooks Arrival

Dr. Cooks Arrival 1970


On 4 September Frederick Albert Cook (1865-1940) arrived in Copenhagen on the ship ‘Hans Egede’. He received a hero’s welcome as the first man to set foot on the North Pole. He was greeted by the king, and given an honorary doctorate at the University of Copenhagen. Only a few days later, however, his endeavor was questioned, and in December the University rejected Cook’s documentation. Carl Th. Dreyer is seen as one of the journalists taking notes.


Love and Education

Love and Education 1918


Aage’s uncle wants him to drop out of law school to learn about farming on the family estate instead. At the same time, the uncle harbours a great desire for his nephew to fall in love with his daughter, Wilda. Aage has other plans, and besides, he is already in love with a young woman who attends the girls’ institute in the city. To get closer to her, he poses as a substitute teacher for the woman’s class. What he doesn’t know is that his dream woman and Wilda are one and the same person. Stumfilm.dk


Roses and Rendezvous

Roses and Rendezvous 1921


Mr Tipp, a landowner, is on his way to the city to have a serious word with his nephew Peter, who lives wildly beyond his means. On board the train Mr Tipp meets his childhood sweetheart, the widow Topp. His feelings are rekindled and reciprocated. Arriving in Copenhagen, the pair agree to meet again and then go home to their respective children. Mrs Topp quickly discovers that her daughter, Musse, has recently become romantically attached to someone, and so too has Mr Tipp’s nephew Peter. What they do not know yet is that the two are in love with each other. (Stumfilm.dk)


I Shall Revenge

I Shall Revenge 1914


Professor Andrew Bobileff leads a quiet and withdrawn life with his daughter Anja. Then, out of the blue, he is accused of taking part in a conspiracy against the government. He proclaims his innocence, yet is imprisoned before the eyes of his daughter, who vows to exact a bloody revenge on the governor. Anja flees to the capital, finds work as an actress at the court theatre and becomes engaged to fellow actor Jean Fort. Meanwhile, Bobileff dies in prison, and when Anja accidentally comes across the governor on the street, she cannot resist the temptation to repeat her vow of revenge. (Stumfilm.dk)


The Face in the River

The Face in the River 1918


The old, rich eccentric James Richard dies and leaves his fortune to his son Walther. But when the deceased’s nephew Philip learns that in the event of Walther’s death, he will inherit the entire fortune, a tragic family drama begins to brew. (Stumfilm.dk)


A Fatal Lie

A Fatal Lie 1911


Doctor Willy Prager’s long, selfless office hours come at the expense of his attention-seeking fiancée. During a garden party, Willy is summoned to an ill child’s bedside and leaves his fiancée Erna in the hands of his faithful friend Alfred. Out of sheer boredom, Erna tries to kiss Alfred, but the loyal friend rejects her. Erna feels devastated and lies to Willy that it was Alfred who tried to seduce her. However, Alfred refuses to tarnish Erna’s honour and tacitly accepts when Willy challenges him to a duel. (Stumfilm.dk)


The Wages of Virtue

The Wages of Virtue 1919


INCOMPLETE | The Widow Stein’s children, Vita and Arthur, are as different as night and day. Vita spends all her time taking care of her mother at home, while Arthur squanders his money at the city’s most notorious nightclubs. Vita is engaged to the diligent and striving Jacob, who has to step in when Arthur’s debauched life leads him into great debt. A particularly drunken pub crawl ends tragically when Arthur falls into the harbour and drowns. Vita and her mother grieve deeply, and Jacob, who has sacrificed all his savings to cover his brother-in-law’s debt, must travel to Australia to rebuild a fortune for his and Vita’s future. Here, by a stroke of fortune, he comes into contact with a man who will prove to be of great importance to himself, Vita and her mother. (Stumfilm.dk)


The Lure of the Footlights

The Lure of the Footlights 1923


Sir William's daughter Polly and the forest warden’s son George are best friends and quite inseparable. As they mature beyond the carefree days of childhood, their disparity in rank and status looms larger between them, and George puts aside his dreams of sharing the rest of his life with Polly. Instead, he meets a dancer, Stella, who moves with him when he himself is employed as a forest warden at Carlton Manor, the count’s estate. The solitude of the forest is a far cry from the bright lights and gaudy spectacle of the theatre, and when Stella meets some acquaintances from her old life, she is torn between who she really is and who her loved one thinks she should be. At the same time, Polly discovers that her feelings for George are more than friendly. (stumfilm.dk)


Alone At Last

Alone At Last 1914


Newlywed couple Adolf and Charlotte are heading home from a family visit and greatly hope for an undisturbed train journey. However, things turn out rather differently. Adolf is rude to the line’s traffic manager and is kicked off the train, while Charlotte is allowed to return to the capital. When the couple are finally reunited in their shared home, their family announces their arrival and pour through the door within a few hours. Will the couple ever find some time alone? Stumfilm.dk


She Writes on a Machine

She Writes on a Machine 1918


The only reason the two lawyers, Chit and Chat, haven’t gone bankrupt is their talented secretary, Amanda. But when Amanda suddenly stands to inherit millions, things look quite bleak for Chit and Chat. They have to turn up the charm if they want to keep her. However, for the two lawyers, everything is easier said than done. (Stumfilm.dk)


The Chicken Chaser

The Chicken Chaser 1921


Bastian is an unrelenting skirt-chaser who is never put off by a rejection. Unfortunately for Bastian, the women of his city seem resistant to his charms. And unfortunately for the women of his city, Bastian can’t seem to take a hint. However, a young woman is surprisingly receptive and hands Bastian a note: “Meet me at Basse’s Confectionary at five o’clock”. Is there finally hope for Bastian – or for the four other gentlemen, who, suspiciously, have also turned up right on time? (Stumfilm.dk)


The Awakening

The Awakening 1913


The young artist Simon Durand happens to find himself in an idyllic village. Here he finds board and lodging with Marietta, who lives alone with her sick mother, and soon Durand has won the heart of his young hostess. Their happy state is threatened by the wealthy farmer Jerome, who has been courting Marietta in vain for a long time and is not about to abandon his hopes of eventually marrying her. He tattles on the couple to Marietta’s mother, who immediately suffers a heart attack and dies at the mere thought of a poor painter as her son-in-law. When Durand is simultaneously called away to the big city, Marietta’s mind is greatly clouded. (Stumfilm.dk)


A Sorry Knight

A Sorry Knight 1917


FRAGMENT | Hannibal comes across as a total lunatic in his desperate attempt to impress Miss Alma and her father. The troubles arise when Hannibal forgets his nicest shirt at home. Only at Alma’s house does he discover – to his horror – that he is still wearing his striped woollen shirt. Now it’s up to Hannibal to complete the dinner party without revealing his sheepish truth. (Stumfilm.dk)


Don't Go on the Spree

Don't Go on the Spree 1912


A long, wet night in the city results in a serious case of hangovers. Mr. Knold must realise this when he has to start his day’s work after only a few hours of sleep. From the moment he leaves the house until he returns and collapses in the middle of his wife’s coffee gathering, his day is filled with troubles. It’ll probably be a while before Knold is up for another round. Stumfilm.dk


His Highness, The Prince

His Highness, The Prince 1913


In the small kingdom of Snobbéria, a rollicking tale of mistaken identity unfolds. A busy journalist called Herbert Prince sets out for a much-needed holiday, and while on the train he is mistaken for Prince Karl Heinrich of Snobbéria. Deciding to have a little fun, Prince stays in character as a royal. Upon arriving in his holiday destination of Waldeck, he is effusively received by the mayor, with whose daughter Prince immediately falls in love. Soon the real prince, Karl Heinrich, reads about the supposedly royal visit and sets off to surprise his doppelganger. (Stumfilm.dk)


A Lively Night

A Lively Night 1916


FRAGMENT | Petersen has forgotten his gentlemen’s club-appointment and has to employ every trick to escape from home unseen. Mrs. Petersen watches over him like a hawk, and he only gets respite as he starts faking a toothache. Coincidentally, the shoemaker drops by and agrees to take Petersen’s place discreetly so that the appointment can be kept. The plan works beyond all expectations, until the police mistake Petersen’s return home for a burglary. (Stumfilm.dk)


Naughty Boy

Naughty Boy 1915


A stingy uncle is taught a lesson when he is tricked into adopting a grown man instead of a ten-year-old kid. When aspiring poet Karl King is engaged to ballerina Mimi, he falls into disfavour with his benefactor: his uncle. The uncle threatens to adopt an orphan boy as an heir instead. However, in a comic plot, King’s adult brother-in-law takes on the role of a ten-year-old adopted son and displays his most mischievous side! (Stumfilm.dk)


The Peacemaker

The Peacemaker 1921


War has been declared in the aptly named “Villa Pax”. The war-ladies, Mrs. Sørensen and Mrs. Hansen, spearhead the conflict between their floors, and constantly send their henpecked husbands to the front line. The poor men try their best to remain neutral, but a secret fraternity cannot stop any war. Fresh blood is required, so Mrs. Hansen’s son and Mrs. Sørensen’s niece plan a peace conference in the backyard. (Stumfilm.dk)


The Mirror of Fate

The Mirror of Fate 1919


Poul and Alva have been married for a few years when dark clouds begin to gather over their marriage. The dream of having a child doesn’t come true, and the couple drifts further and further apart. Alva escapes into her great passion – music, while Poul becomes embittered by the injustice of fate. When he meets the smiling and cheerful Eva, it doesn’t take him long to forsake Alva and enter into a new marriage. Yet Poul remains unhappy, for Eva is a spendthrift who knows nothing about housekeeping. Alone and abandoned, his thoughts begin to wander back to Alva, the love of his youth. Has he been deceived by the illusion of happiness? Stumfilm.dk