The Lad and the Lion

The Lad and the Lion 1917


While on vacation from college, William Bankinton is shipwrecked. His mind a blank, he is picked up by a derelict ship upon which there are only a lion and a stowaway named Broot. After Broot commits suicide, Bankinton and the lion are cast adrift upon the shores of Africa where they exist in a primitive state for several months.


The Livid Flame

The Livid Flame 1914


Burkhart, a prominent business man, owner of a leading mercantile establishment, and the popular candidate for governor on the Citizens' ticket, becomes impressed with the ability of James McNair, a young attorney, and engages him to look after his legal business.


The Jungle Stockade

The Jungle Stockade 1915


Robert Barker, the newly arrived missionary, bears gifts to King Lomba of the Bartosi tribe. The king accepts the gifts, but tells Barker, "The bones of our ancestors have told us that white men are traitors." Kahma, King Lomba's younger brother, is being educated at the mission. While hunting one day, he sees Grace, the daughter of the missionary, in line of fire and saves her life. The witch doctor decrees that Kahma be thrown into the jungle stockade.


The Adventures of Kathlyn

The Adventures of Kathlyn 1916


Feature version of the thirteen episode serial, Adventures of Kathlyn, released three years earlier.


The Three Valises

The Three Valises 1912


Jim Allen accidentally finds a valise full of burglars' tools. At the same time he discovers that he has fallen heir to a $10,000 legacy. In order to secure the legacy he must be in a distant city on the following day. Being hard up, he decides to borrow the necessary carfare from his double, an unscrupulous broker named Harrington.


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1910


An early version of the classic, based more on the 1902 stage musical than on the original novel.


The Ex-Convict

The Ex-Convict 1913


Wilbur Stone is falsely accused of a crime, convicted on circumstantial evidence and "railroaded" to the penitentiary. As an odd coincidence. Frank Fink, a hardened degenerate, is sent up at the same time and he becomes a prison parasite on Stone. Both men are released about the same time.


A Colonel in Chains

A Colonel in Chains 1914


With Kathlyn's revelations of herself as a slave, Prince Umballah, her purchaser, has her imprisoned in the dungeon of the royal palace. There she finds her father, whom she was led to believe had been dead.


The Impersonation of Tom

The Impersonation of Tom 1915


Martin, a ranch owner, writes Graves, a broker, to send Tom Graves west to marry Martin's daughter, Daisy. Tom has a sweetheart, but obeys his father's orders. Meanwhile, Daisy has a sweetheart unknown to her father, and when Martin tells Daisy that Tom Graves is coming to marry her Daisy tells her sweetheart, Ned, all about it. Ned meets Tom; they become friends and Tom visits Ned's claim. Tom shows Ned Daisy's picture and they agree to a plan. Ned agrees to impersonate Tom and marry Daisy while Tom is to send for Hazel.


The Spoilers

The Spoilers 1914


The Spoilers is a 1914 film directed by Colin Campbell. It is set in Nome, Alaska during the 1898 Gold Rush, with William Farnum as Roy Glennister, Kathlyn Williams as Cherry Malotte, and Tom Santschi as Alex McNamara. The film culminates in a spectacular saloon fistfight between Glennister and McNamara. It was adapted to screen by Lanier Bartlett from the Rex Beach novel of the same name.


The Hobo's Rest Cure

The Hobo's Rest Cure 1912


Bill Grogan, a happy hobo, having successfully eluded all sorts of allurements to go to work and having discharged himself from several easy jobs after numerous attempts to get painlessly injured, frightens a chauffeur into believing that he had been injured by a baby carriage. Eventually he reaches the limit of his restful ambition by getting a cot in a hospital.


How Callahan Cleaned Up Little Hell

How Callahan Cleaned Up Little Hell 1915


When Jimmie Collins, a pickpocket, is arrested and brought before Captain Callahan of the Tenth, he is surprised because he is lodged in a cell. Jimmie claims acquaintanceship with Bill McFarlin, a corrupt political boss, and he sneers at Captain Callahan when he is ordered to be placed behind the cell bars.


The Soul Mate

The Soul Mate 1914


Sally Brent, a pretty laundry girl, believes in palmistry and is told by a charlatan that the man who affects purple as his colors is her affinity and soul mate. She is loved by Dan Maguire, driver of the laundry wagon, but he is very fond of red, which causes Sally much grief as she thinks a lot of Dan. One day she does up a bundle of shirts in which the color purple predominates. She writes a message on one of the cuffs, calling the owner her "soul mate."


The Wreck of the Vega

The Wreck of the Vega 1912


Five years ago the world was shocked to hear of the sinking of one of the finest and fastest ore boats on the Great Lakes. During one of the worst storms in the memory of sailors this great boat, the Vega, became suddenly lost and almost without warning, was driven ashore on the rocks near the Fox Islands in Northern Lake Michigan.


The Only Chance

The Only Chance 1913


Charley West, a lineman, complains about his rickety old hand-car, and is given one that is up-to-date. He tries it out and finds he can send it sixty miles an hour. The train dispatcher, forgetting an oncoming special freight, allows a passenger train to leave the yard before he discovers his mistake.


The Primitive Way

The Primitive Way 1915


Mildred Manning is the spoiled daughter of wealthy parents. She has a host of admirers, but does not permit them to become serious. Jimmie Blake, who frequents the household more than anybody else, is a rattle-brained young chap who fancies that he is in love with Mildred and insists that he wants her to marry him. Mildred jokes him and refuses to take him seriously.


Meller Drammer

Meller Drammer 1914


Goldie, the bright young daughter of Farmer Meadows, is engaged to marry Harold Montaine, a romantic young farm hand. Along comes Jim Bludsoe, a regular villain, whose polish and citified manners impress Goldie so that she is induced to elope with him.


His First Ride

His First Ride 1907


A nicely-dressed man is riding on a bicycle. When he parks it a hobo quickly steals it, but he is clearly new at riding. He cannot manage to steer in a straight line, and it is not long before he becomes quite a hazard to pedestrians and to others in his path.


Kid Pink and the Maharajah

Kid Pink and the Maharajah 1914


A serio-comic tale shows wherein the East and the West strangely mingle despite Kipling's declaration that: "Never the twain shall meet."



Bounder 1912


Ruby Blackwell, typical young girl of Arizona, lives with her brother Tom, and their widowed mother in a cabin in the mountains. One day Tom takes Ruby on a lion hunt. They track a puma, or mountain lion. Tom shoots the beast, which, wounded, bounds into the canyon. Tom instructs Ruby to proceed to the ridge and await him there, while he follows the puma up the mountainside. Ruby discovers the cubs belonging to the puma which Tom has shot, and she immediately becomes so engrossed in playing with the huge kittens that she forgets the rendezvous her brother had appointed. Tom finally locates her. The cubs are taken home. They grow up around Ruby like friendly dogs. Pete Lopez, a bad Mexican, who admires Ruby very much, tries to steal one of them at night, after Ruby has refused to sell the animal to him, and the baby puma defends itself vigorously until Tom and Ruby rush to its rescue...