Made in China

Made in China 2014


The arrival of the Chinese merchants to Saara - the largest commercial center in Rio de Janeiro - before dominated by the Arabs and Jews. The film revolves around Francis, a saleswomen for the Casa São Jorge, a knickknack store that belongs to the Arab, Mr. Nazir. She does everything to help her boss not to loose his clients to the competition, Casa do Dragão, that belongs to the Chinese Chao. With her coworker Andressa and her rascal boyfriend Carlos Eduardo, Francis tries to find out why the Chinese merchandise is so much cheaper then Mr. Nazir's


Amazônia Sociedade Anônima

Amazônia Sociedade Anônima 2019


The future of the largest rainforest in the world will be decided in the region of the highway BR-163 where land grabbers are stealing immense areas of public forests. In response to the failure of the Brazilian government to defend these forests, the traditional populations are on the front line against land grabbers to save the Amazon.