
Guermantes 2021


Paris, sum­mer 2020. Actors from “la Comédie-Française”, France’s most pres­ti­gious the­ater, rehearse Christophe Hon­oré’s new play, an adap­ta­tion of Mar­cel Proust’s “The Guer­mantes Way”. When the show is sud­den­ly can­celed, the dra­ma group decides to go ahead with it any­way, in the name of art and for the joy of act­ing together.


Dom Juan & Sganarelle

Dom Juan & Sganarelle 2015


Woman hero Dom Juan lives a life full of excesses and love affairs. When he seduces the nun Elvire, but shows no interest in her a short time later, he gets to deal with her vengeful brothers. Dom Juan and his assistant Sganarelle have to flee and set out on a journey full of strange encounters.


Les Fourberies de Scapin

Les Fourberies de Scapin 1998


Theater play "Les fourberies de Scapin" played by the "Comédie française" in 1998.


Cyrano de Bergerac

Cyrano de Bergerac 2017


Cyrano has a prominent nose but also a gift with words by which he helps handsome Christian to conquer Roxane. Also in love with the girl he chooses not to reveal to her that every word of Christian comes out of his own heart. In cinema, this ROSTAND classic filmed live from the Comédie Française.


Angels in America

Angels in America 2021


New York, 1985. Against the backdrop of AIDS - divine punishment inflicted on gays according to puritan America -, angels, who epilogue on the emptiness of the American dream, cross paths with the ghost of the spy Ethel Rosenberg, separating lovers and destitute patients. Prior, suffering from the AIDS virus, loves Louis who is about to leave him. Roy Cohn, man of power, Jewish and homosexual lawyer, anti-Semite and homophobe, lives in denial of his HIV status. Harper takes refuge in drugs to soften her married life with Joe, whose uncertain sexuality clashes with well-established religious beliefs. Following the cancellation of "Angels in America"performances ​​due to the health crisis of 2020, the project became a TV movie: "Angels - Salle Escande" is shot in the privacy of rehearsals.


Le Misanthrope

Le Misanthrope 2017


Alceste loves Célimène, a flirtatious woman from the Parisian high society. He loathes this world for its hypocritical etiquette but, shaken by a public trial he is called to by this social circle, he must visit Célimène to ask for her help…


La serva amorosa

La serva amorosa 1996


Coraline, a young servant in love with Florindo, will thwart the plans of Beatrice, the second wife of Ottavio, father of Florindo, who wants to capture the legacy of Florindo for his own advantage and that of his own son.


Three Sisters

Three Sisters 2015


For her latest project, commissioned by Arte and starring members of the Comédie-Française, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi (A Castle in Italy, Rendez-Vous 2014) shot an idiosyncratic, half-modernized adaptation of one of Chekhov’s greatest, most expansively melancholy plays.


Les Fourberies de Scapin

Les Fourberies de Scapin 2017


The action is set in Naples, opening a door onto an imagined maritime world stretching towards the Orient. Faced with two authoritarian fathers, two sons, both of whom are thwarted lovers, turn to the crafty Scapin, who is driven by a mad desire for revenge. The character is a double of Scaramouche, the Italian actor of the adventurous life whom Molière admired: “to tell you the truth, there are few things that are impossible for me, when I put my mind to them” declares the buffoonish servant whose name, as Denis Podalydès points out, derives his from the Italian scappare which means “to escape”, “to scamper off”. Scapin is beaten with a stick at one point but also gets his own back and, against a background of ransom demands and paternal contradictions, he comes up with an avalanche of stratagems and other tricks, which Molière excels in depicting.



L'avare 1974


Harpagon, a miserly bourgeois, wishes to marry the young Mariane and marry his daughter Elise to Lord Anselme. He does not know that Cléante, his son, is in love with the young Mariane and that his daughter Elise loves a penniless young man, Valère, whom he has just hired as a steward.


Le Petit-Maître Corrigé

Le Petit-Maître Corrigé 2018


Le Petit-Maître corrigé is a three-act romantic comedy by French playwright Marivaux. It was first performed on November 6, 1734, by the Comédie-Française in Paris. In this production Clément Hervieu-Léger makes the eighteenth century resonate with our era, all the more so given that the language is “simpler than in other Marivaux plays, while still as refined, precise and full of humour”. The story is that of a young Parisian whose parents have found a good match for him, a count’s daughter. But when he goes to visit her in her country home, the handsome boy – whose Parisian manners are far removed from the rules of decorum that reign in the provinces – cannot open his heart to his lovely intended. Stung, the latter decides to punish his arrogance while a former lover arrives to prevent the marriage. Between the alliance of master and manservant, and the complicity of mistress and maid, a romantic intrigue ensues full of light-hearted conspiracies and feverish emotions.


Just Love!

Just Love! 2013


Silvia’s father grants her permission to meet Dorante, the man she’s promised to in marriage, by pretending to be her servant Lisette, who in turn will play the role of her mistress.