Russian Cyberfarm New Year Special

Russian Cyberfarm New Year Special 2020


They say that there are no winter and New Year on Mars. It's a bullshit! Look how Christmas is going in the Russian Cyberfarm.


Russian Cybermuseum

Russian Cybermuseum 2021


Privet from Russia! They say that the XXI-st century is one gloom. Its e bullshit! By visiting the Russian Cybermuseum, you will be convinced of this. You will learn what was found during the excavations of the ancient Internet, and we will also be transported to the matrix, which most accurately conveys the spirit of that time. There are many more exhibits in our cybermuseum that can surprise you - put on your clean cybershoes and go! The action takes place 200 years after the Cybervillage...


Russian Cyberpolice

Russian Cyberpolice 2021


In the cyberpunk period the Police of Starica City have become even more professional. But the criminals in Russia are not standing still either - they have become very honest. In this video, you will see a tangled case that would have gone unsolved without help of the cyber dog.


Russian Cyberpunk Farm

Russian Cyberpunk Farm 2020


They say that Russia is a technically backward country, there are no roads, robotics do not develop, rockets do not fly, and mail goes too long. It’s a bullshit.