Hitz gakoa Yeti
Goosebumps 2015
Abominable 2006
Abominable 2019
Mr. Link: Jatorri galdua 2019
Lionel Frost ikertzaileak mitoak eta munstroak ditu ikergai eta izaki arraro eta maitagarri bat aurkituko du, bere espezieko azkena, eta Mr. Link izena jarriko dio. Frostekin batera, Mr. Linkek bidaia zoragarri bezain dibertigarri bati ekingo dio duela asko galdutako bere lehengusu Yetiak aurkitzeko asmoz. Horretarako Adelina Fortnight abenturazale adoretsuaren laguntza izango dute, beronek baitauka Yetien kokagunea adierazten duen mapa bakarra. Hirurek elkar hartuta, arrisku ugari gainditu beharko dituzte helmugara iristeko.
Ausarki Yeti dibertigarria 2018
Adin guztietako ikusleentzako animaziozko abentura bat da, jatorrizko musika eta izar ugariz osatutako aktore-taldea duena. Smallfoot-norabide berri bat emango dio mito bati. Yeti gazte eta bizkor ustez existitzen ez zen zerbait aurkituko du: gizaki bat. Gizakiaren inguruko albiste horrek zirrara sortuko du yetien.komunitate xumean; izan ere, pentsatzen hasiko dira haien herrixka elurtutik harago zer gehiago existi daitekeen. Adiskidetasunari aurkikuntzaren balioari eta pozari lotutako istorio berri bat da.
The Snow Creature 1954
7 Faces of Dr. Lao 1964
Yoko 2012
Piak animalia zuri eta iletsu bat aurkitzen du. Ez daki zer den, baina bere bizitza ezkutatzen dio bere familiari. Yoko trebetasun mistikoak dituen Himalayako Yeti txiki bat da.
Abominable Christmas 2012
Rage of the Yeti 2011
Himalaya 2024
Abominable and the Invisible City 2022
Through Everest, the yeti, Yi, Jin, and Peng know that there’s a whole magical world out there, and now it’s even closer than they think! When they discover that their surroundings are teeming with magical creatures in need of their help, the kids will set out on extraordinary and heartfelt adventures throughout their city and beyond.
Expedition Unknown: Hunt for the Yeti 2016
Josh Gates sets off on a quest to find the Yeti, a legendary man-ape living in the high altitude of the Himalayas.
Me and Moffun 2023
Me and Moffun is about the cryptid hunter, Panpy. He goes out searching for a legendary yeti in the snowy mountains. There he meets the yeti, Moffun, who takes him to the Mofu Village. The story revolves around Panpy's adventures with Moffun in the village.
The X Creatures 1970
The X Creatures is a British documentary television series that was produced by the BBC in 1998, which was broadcast in 1999 on BBC 1. It was presented by Chris Packham, and examined the possibility of the existence of cryptozoological creatures. The name of the show was a reference to the popular fictional television show The X-Files. Each episode involved Chris Packham travelling to a certain place on Earth where the creature supposedly exists, and examining eye witness accounts, as opposed to searching for the creature. No VHS or DVD releases were ever made.