Indiana Jones arka galduaren bila

Indiana Jones arka galduaren bila 1981


1936. urtea. Indiana Jones arkeologia irakaslea da, eta abentura arriskutsuak bizitzeko prest dago altxor historikoak lortzeko. Estatu Batuetako gobernuak Itun Arka galdu bat bilatzeko eskatzen dio, kondairak dionez mugagabeko boterea ematen omen du berau lortzen duenak, eta hori dela eta naziekin egingo du topo bilaketa horretan.


Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons 1983


Six friends are transported into the Dungeons & Dragons realm and must try to find a way home with the help of their guide 'Dungeon Master'.


Professor Kosta Vujic's Hat

Professor Kosta Vujic's Hat 2013


The incredible story of good-hearted and eccentric Professor Kosta Vujic who, in the 19th century, taught some of the greatest minds of that era. Among his students were Mihailo Petrovic - Mika Alas, Jovan Cvijic, Pavle Popovic, Jasa Prodanovic, Milorad Mitrovic, Ljubomir Stojanovic and others who later became academics, teachers, politicians... The TV Show is based on the best seller novel by Milovan Vitezovic.