Mutila eta lertxuna

Mutila eta lertxuna 2023


Mahito, 12 urteko gazte bat, hiri berrira egokitzen ari da ama hil ostean. Lertxun hiztun batek amak bizirik jarraitzen duela esaten dio, eta dorre batean sartzen da haren bila, beste mundu batean bukatuz.


Aitaren Dragoia

Aitaren Dragoia 2022


Elmer Elevator herensuge baten bila dabil, Wild Islanden gatibu omen dagoen. Baina bilaketa horretan pentsa zezakeena baino askoz gehiago aurkituko du.


Psychic Force

Psychic Force 1998


Rapid changes in the new century have brought forth a dangerous power capable of good or evil. Harnessing the psychic abilities of its residents, the government has turned its most gifted citizens into new age guinea pigs, drained of their essence and discarded after serving their purpose. One psychic, Keith Evans, escapes their clutches and with the aid of his new friend Burn Griffith, embarks on a futuristic odyssey which pushes their camaraderie and strength to the limit!


Common Monsters

Common Monsters 2020


Elle and her son Rowan are on the run. Is this twisted mother and son relationship a bizarre case of extreme Munchausen syndrome by proxy? Or is Rowan a dangerous supernatural creature?