Blinky Bill Pelikula

Blinky Bill Pelikula 2015


Blinky Bill koala abenturazale bat da, irudimen handikoa, Green Patch hiri txikia bere aitaren pausoei jarraituz uztea amesten duena. Bere aita aspaldi desagertu zen eta Blinky da bizirik jarraitzen duela uste duen bakarra. Bere aita non dagoen jakiteko pista berri bat aurkitzean, Green Patcheko mugetatik haratago eramango duen abentura handi batean murgiltzea erabakiko du.



Fuel 2004



Queen of Oz

Queen of Oz 2023


Princess Georgiana is the black sheep of a fictional British Royal Family. A PR disaster, she's spent her spoilt, party-girl life plastered over the tabloids. On the back of her latest scandal her mother, the Queen, makes the unprecedented move of abdicating her Australian throne in favour of her daughter. It is hoped that giving her some real responsibility will finally be the making of her – and if it isn't, at least shipping her off keeps her 10,000 miles away from London.