Hitz gakoa Christmas
Red One 2024
Harry Potter eta Azkabango Presoa 2004
Harry Potter eta bere adiskideak Hogwarts ikastetxean hirugarren ikasturtea hasi bezain azkar misterio batekin topo egingo dute: Azkaban aztientzako espetxetik Sirius Black presoak ihes egin berri du, Lord Voldemorten kide arriskutsua, eta Harry Potteretaz mendekatzeko asmoa du. Azti ikasle gaztetxoak ein handi batean Sirius espetxeratu zezaten lagundu zuen, beraz Harryk beldurra izateko arrazoiak soberan ditu.
Harry Potter eta Sorgin-Harria 2001
Harry Potter mutiko famatua da, bere gurasoengatik. Gurasoak hil zirenez, bere osaba-izeba eta bere lehengusu Dudley-kin biziko da, baina etxe horretan inork ez du Harry maite. Bere izeba eta Harryren ama, ez ziren oso ondo konpontzen eta horren ondorioz, Harryri kalte egingo dio. Harry Potterren egun guztiak berdintsuak dira, baina egun batean gutun bat helduko zaio, Hogwarts eskolan onartuko dutela jakinaraziko diote. Momentu horretatik Harryren bizitzak bira handi bat emango du. Eskola hartan benetako lagunak egingo ditu eta magia egiten ikasiko du.
Harry Potter eta Sekretuen Ganbera 2002
Uda amaiturik, Harryk bere osaba-izeben etxe itogarritik alde egiteko abagunerik ez du aurkitzen. Halako batean Dobby azalduko zaio logelan, elfo domestikoa. Honek ohartarazpen beldurgarria egingo dio: Hogwartsera itzuliko balitz egundoko arriskupean egongo litzateke. Elforen ahaleginak ahalegin, Ron eta bere anaiek auto hegalari batez erreskatatuko dute Harry, zeina Weasleytarren etxe goxoan besozabalik hartuko duten.
Harry Potter eta Suaren Kopa 2005
Ume aztiaren laugarren atala Quidditch-eko nazioarteko koparekin hasiko da. Cho Chang-enganako erakarpenaren hastapena kontatuko da, hala nola magiako ikastaro berri bat, non egundoko ezusteak Harry berebiziko arriskuei aurre egitera behartuko duen. Hiru eskolen arteko magia lehiaketa bat ere izango da, baita "Aipatua-ere-izan behar ez duen-haren" etorrera beldurgarria ere.
Harry Potter eta Herioaren Erlikiak (2. zatia) 2011
Hainbat hilabete Ingalaterran Horgurutzeen bila eta Heriojaleetatik ezkutatzen aritu ondoren, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) eta Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) adiskideak Hogwarts ikastetxeetara ailegatu eta bertan Lord Voldemorten (Ralph Fiennes) arimaren beste zati bat badagoela ohartuko dira, baina euren bilaketaren erdian Azken Borroka gauzatuko da, hartan, hainbat xehetasunen artean, gaztelu-ikastetxearen suntsiketa handia eta Lord Voldemorten behin-betiko porrota jazoko dira.
Harry Potter eta Fenixaren Ordena 2007
Bere osaba-izeben etxean opor gogaikarriak oraindik bukatu ez, eta Harry inoiz baino urduriago dago. Ron eta Hermionen berririk apenas izan duen, eta Hogwarts-en zerbait misteriotsua gertatzen ari ote den susmoa harturik dago. Izan ere, behin behar eta, azkenean magia eta aztikeriako ikastetxean ikasturte berria hastearekin bat, haren barneko susmorik beldurgarrienak egia bihurtuko dira.
Harry Potter eta Odol Nahasiko Printzea 2009
Hamasei urte bete berriak dituela, Harryk seigarren kutsoari ekiten dio Hogwartsen, noiz eta gertakari izugarriek ingalaterra astintzen duten garaian. Quidditch taldeko kapitaina izendaturik, entrenamenduek, azterketek eta neskek haren denbora guztia betetzen diote. Hala ere, ustezko lasaitasuna ez da luzarokoa izango. Eskola babesten duen seguritate krontola nahikoa ez, nonbait, eta bi ikaslek eraso bortitza nozitzen dute. Dumbledorrek badaki berandu gabe profezia bete egingo dela, hots, Harry eta Voldemort hil ala bizi borrokatuko diren unea gertu dela, alegia.
Harry Potter eta Herioaren Erlikiak (1. zatia) 2010
Harry 17 urte betetzeko irrikan dago, adin horrekin heldua izango baita. Hala ere, beldur handia du aurretik dituen arrisku guztiengatik. Bitartean, Voldemortek indar handiegia du, eta badirudi Gobernua harena izango dela denbora gutxian. Mutikoa bere gauza guztiak jasotzen hasiko da, etxe horretara inoiz gehiago itzuliko ez dela jakinda. Momentu horretan, Harryk bere historiako objektuak aurkitzen ditu, esaterako, Siriusek oparitutako ispilua. Egunak joan egunak etorri, gaztea bere azken egunera iritsko da. Bere izeba eta osabaz oso estuki ez agurtu arren, Dudleyri eskerrak emango dizkio eta hutsik utziko dute etxea, Dursleyak toki segurura doaz-eta. Harry era seguru batean Fenixaren kuartelera garraiatzeko, 7 potterrak eratzen dituzte. Ron, Hermione, Fleur, Fred, George... Zuku-edabea edango dute denek Harryren itxura izateko. Azkenean, hil-jaleak ikusi eta aire-lehia hasiko dute.
The Conjuring 2 2016
Edward Scissorhands 1990
Etxean Bakarrik 2: New Yorken Galdua 1992
Eguberrietan, Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) mutikoa eta bere familia oporrak igarotzeko hegazkin bat hartzear daude, baina Kevin nahastu eta New York hirira eramango duen hegazkinera igoko da, bertan bere burua bakar-bakarrik eta inoren laguntzarik gabe aurkituz.
Nola Grinch-ek Gabonak lapurtu zituen 2000
Grinch ogro berde moduko bat da, eta beti bizi izan da bakartuta mendi baten gailurrean, herri kanpoaldean. Bakarrik egotera ohituta dago, jendeak Gabonetan kantatzen dituen gabon-kantak jasan. Mendekatzeko asmoz, Santa Klausen opariak lapurtzea erabakiko du.
The Grinch 2018
Silent Night 2023
Iron Man 3 2013
Catch Me If You Can 2002
Hawkeye 2021
Former Avenger Clint Barton has a seemingly simple mission: get back to his family for Christmas. Possible? Maybe with the help of Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old archer with dreams of becoming a superhero. The two are forced to work together when a presence from Barton’s past threatens to derail far more than the festive spirit.
Amagami SS 2010
A second-year high school boy finds himself uneasy during Christmas time due to an experience in the past. However, this year at Christmas, he gets his last chance to ask out a graduating female senior named Haruka Morishima — or one of several other classmates. The story of the anime will be arranged in an omnibus format, with each heroine getting her own version of the story animated. Each heroine will sing her own version of the ending theme song.
The Santa Clauses 2022
After nearly three decades of being Santa Claus, Scott Calvin’s magic begins to falter. As he struggles to keep up with the demands of the job, he discovers a new clause that forces him to rethink his role as Santa and as a father.
Holiday Baking Championship 2014
The search to find the greatest holiday baker begins as amateur bakers enter the kitchen, where they show off their family traditions and superb baking skills. To survive the challenges from week to week, they must prove their abilities in front of our tough-love judges.
Coyote 2021
The story of Ben Clemens, who after 32 years as a border patrol agent is forced to work for the very people he spent his career trying to keep out of the United States. Now exposed to life on the other side of the wall, Ben will start to question his black and white views of the world, challenging his ideology and his loyalties.
Fanny and Alexander 1984
Through the eyes of ten-year-old Alexander, we witness the delights and conflicts of the Ekdahl family, a sprawling bourgeois clan in turn-of-the-twentieth-century Sweden.
The Moodys 2019
Follow a tight-knit, but slightly dysfunctional, family through their misadventures.
White Christmas 2011
Kim Yo Han is a psychiatrist who gets involved in a serial murder when his car broke down on Christmas Eve during a sudden storm and he is forced to take shelter at a private high school. Seven students and a teacher are also there over the winter break, but they are gradually murdered one by one as they receive letters from a killer who wants revenge for the death of his mother and sister.
Dash & Lily 2020
Opposites attract at Christmas as cynical Dash and sunny Lily trade messages and dares in a red notebook they pass back and forth around New York City.
Snowfall 2016
Selma, a 9 year old girl who lost her parents in an accident, is now living with Ruth, a quite strict neighbour who was just supposed to temporarily look after Selma and her dog Casper.
I Hate Christmas 2022
A nurse who is happily single the rest of the year is sick of being shamed for being alone at the holidays, so vows on December 1 to find someone to take home for Christmas.
Home for Christmas 2019
Tired of the constant comments on her relationship status, perpetually single Johanne starts a 24-day hunt for a boyfriend to bring home for Christmas.
Stardust 2020
A magic stone turns 9-year-old star child Elly into the guiding North Star. But she hates that she can never leave her home because of it – and she runs away. On Earth, 10-year-old Jo has to move because his parents split up – and he doesn’t feel at home anymore. When Jo and Elly meet, they both feel out of place. But they help each other learn that not everything is about them, and just in time for Christmas they save the world together! Everyone can become a guiding star; because, in the end, aren’t we all made of stardust?
Hogfather 2006
On the night before Hogswatch, the holiday where kids anticipate presents from the beloved Hogfather, Death notices that the Hogfather's life-timer is lying broken on the floor of his castle. Could it be that Hogswatch will not happen this year?
Elves 2021
A Christmas vacation turns into a nightmare for a teenager and her family when they discover an ancient menace that stalks their island getaway.
Little Crackers 2010
Little Crackers is a series of Christmas short films featuring stars of British and Irish comedy.
Merry Happy Whatever 2019
A strong-willed dad navigates the stress of the holiday season when his daughter brings her new boyfriend home for Christmas.
Drifter's Christmas Presents 1982
A variety and comedy sketch program featuring The Drifters that was broadcast as a special program on Fuji Television and its affiliate stations during the Christmas season every December for seven years from 1982 to 1988.