
Nimona 2023


Erdi Aroko mundu futurista batean, Ballister Bihotzausart zaldunari egin ez duen krimen bat leporatzen diote, eta bere errugabetasuna frogatzen lagun diezaiokeen pertsona bakarra Nimona da, kaoserako joera duen nerabe bihurria... Gainera, bera suntsitzeko ardura duena. Baina erresuma osoa bere atzetik dabilenez, Nimona da Ballisterrek izan dezakeen aliaturik onena (edo, hobeto esanda, bakarra). Beraz, heroi, bilau eta munstroen arteko lerroa lausotzen ari den bitartean, bikoteak triskantza handiak eragiten ditu Ballisterrek bere izena garbitu ahal izan dezan.


Grudge: The Revolt of Gumiho

Grudge: The Revolt of Gumiho 2010


For the sin of falling in love with a human, Gumiho gives birth to a daughter and enters the world of humans in order to protect her young, tender child. However, Yun Dusu, the man who chose her, is the father of a dying daughter. In order to obtain a liver to save his beloved, illness-stricken daughter, he is forced to do the unthinkable: to kill Yeoni, the daughter of Gumiho. Unaware of this fact, Gumiho opens her heart to Dusu, who protects her as if she is family, and once again falls in love with a human, ultimately suffering for it. And the one man who falls in love with Gumiho, a nonhuman with more humanity than any human, realizes he truly loves her and attempts to make their love work.