Zugandik bi metrora.

Zugandik bi metrora. 2019


Will eta Stella fibrosi kistikoa duten bi nerabe dira, ospitalean tratamendura sartzeko. Biak beren munduan aterpetzen saiatzen diren arren, ezinbestean maiteminduko dira. Bikoteak bere harremana bizirik mantentzeko borrokatu behar du, arau bakar batekin: bi metro inguruko distantziarekin banandu biak kutsatu ez daitezen. Hala ere, haien bizitza arriskuan egongo da.


Red Band Society

Red Band Society 2014


Children and teenagers become friends in a hospital where they are all patients. Together they try to escape the sad reality to create their own world with their own codes , while the nursing staff do their best to bring them a little happiness everyday. Charlie , in a coma for several months, attending meanwhile helplessly bustle around him. He sees nothing , but he hears everything ...