Transylvania Hotela 2

Transylvania Hotela 2 2015


Badirudi Transilvania Hotelean hobera ari direla egiten gauzak... Azkenean, laxatu da Dráculak hotelerako ezarritako "munstroentzat bakarrik" politika zorrotza, eta gizakiei ere ostatu ematen hasi dira hotelean. Baina, hilkutxa barruan, kezkatuta dabil Drácula: erdi gizaki erdi banpiro den bere biloba maitagarriak, Dennisek, ez du banpiro ezaugarririk agertzen. Beraz, Mavis, Johny-rekin, bere giza aita-amaginarrebei bisitan dagoen bitartean -eta bera ere kultura-txoke betean-, aitona Dráculak bere lagunak bilduko ditu -Frank, Murray, Wayne eta Griffin- Dennis "munstroentzako kanpamentu" batean entrenarazteko. Ez dakite, ordea, Drácularen aita, eskola zaharreko -oso, oso zaharreko- Vlad agure marmartia, familiari hotelean bisita egitekotan dela. Vladek jakitean bere birbiloba ez dela odol garbikoa -eta orain gizakiak ere ongi etorriak direla Transilvania Hotelean- ederki korapilatuko da kontua.


The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man 2000


The Invisible Man is a Sci-Fi American television series starring Vincent Ventresca, Paul Ben-Victor, Eddie Jones, Shannon Kenny and Michael McCafferty. Somewhat more successful than previous television series involving invisible secret agents, it aired from June 9, 2000 to February 1, 2002, lasting two seasons. The plot revolves around Darien Fawkes, a thief facing life imprisonment who was recruited by a low-rent spy organization and given the power of invisibility via implantation of a special "Quicksilver gland" in his head. The gland allows Fawkes to secrete a light-bending substance called "Quicksilver" from his pores and follicles. The substance quickly coats his skin, hair, nails and clothes and renders him invisible. He can consciously release the Quicksilver, which then flakes off and disintegrates. However, the Quicksilver gland was sabotaged at its creation by scientist Arnaud DeFehrn to release a neurotoxin that accumulates in the bloodstream and causes intense pain, followed by antisocial behavior and psychosis. The host requires regular doses of "counteragent" to keep him sane and healthy, which is controlled by said government agency. This series lasted for two seasons, before being cancelled due to cost issues and internal bickering between the Sci Fi Channel and its then-parent company, USA Networks. The show's first season ran concurrently in first-run syndication as well as on Sci Fi.


Vampire Host

Vampire Host 2004


Rion, a naive, loudmouthed teenager, investigates a host club full of vampires when she suspects they must be related to the disappearance of a lot of people in the neighborhood, including her best friend. In the process she begins to befriend them, especially the leader Suou, with whom she develops a romantic relationship.