Our Mutual Girl

Our Mutual Girl 1914


Our Mutual Girl was unique. Not quite a serial, not quite a newsreel and not strictly an advertisement, it combined elements of all three. In 52 weekly one-reel episodes, running from January 19, 1914 to January 11, 1915, the Mutual Girl outwitted villains, saw the sights of New York, met with theatrical and political celebrities (who frequently helped her out of trouble) and tried on fashionable outfits in chic stores. The fashions were an early example of product placement, although apparently not paid placement.


Home, Sweet Home

Home, Sweet Home 1914


John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.


The Green-Eyed Devil

The Green-Eyed Devil 1914


Jim Miller lives in a cheap tenement with his wife and his sister. They had been in a better position in other days, but Jim has developed into a morose half-drunken character, suspicious and high-tempered. The sister leaves her own husband and comes to live with Jim. However, she is jealous of her sister-in-law and goes out of her way to be mean to her, and to poison Jim's mind against the weak, pretty thing who is his wife. One day Jim gets out of a job and while he is out looking for work and the sister is away at her work in the factory, Mary, the wife, steals out determined to add to the common share, while her husband is in hard luck. She finds work painting clay figures, an art for which she shows some talent. But she is afraid of Jim's wildness and as soon as she collects money she secrets it for a rainy day. One day after she has worked hard and hoarded some money, the sister comes in unexpectedly upon her, and when Mary goes out of the room finds the money in an old vase.


At Cripple Creek

At Cripple Creek 1912


Belle Gordon, an orphan, finds an advertisement in the papers for a governess to apply to the Rev. Strong, at Cripple Creek, Col. She writes and has her fare advanced. Upon arriving there she finds the place consists of a crowd of disreputable miners and dance-hall girls. She learns that the advertisement was merely a trap to lure her out into the dance-hall of Martin Mason.


Over the Ledge

Over the Ledge 1914


A poor widow dies, leaving her two young children, Bob and Mabel, in the care of a poor neighbor, who later is forced by circumstances to give them to an asylum. Twenty years pass and Jack, who has been adopted by a good family, has now gone into business for himself and is a rising young broker. He has been searching the detective agencies for his sister, without success, for some years. Mabel ran away from the asylum and has been brought up by a poor family, is without education and is now employed as a servant, and on a certain day is hanging clothes on a roof nearby a large office building, in which Bob has his office, and a small boy is flying his kite from the same rooftop.


The Gangsters of New York

The Gangsters of New York 1914


Biff Dugan, the eldest son of a poor family living in a tenement on the squalid East Side of New York, leads a gang of hoodlums, among whose members is his brother Porky. Their sister Jess is a consumptive whose health was ruined in a sweatshop. During a melee in a mission run by reformer Henry Davis, the Dugan gang encounters Billy Drew and his sister Cora, newcomers to the city. Porky saves Cora from the unwelcome attentions of Biff's rival, Spike Golden, and the two fall in love. Later, when Spike is killed in a gang war, Biff is wrongfully convicted of the murder and executed in the electric chair. Porky, who served a short term in prison for his part in the crime, comes back to the city to find that Jess has died and Cora has returned to the country.


The Wolf-Man

The Wolf-Man 1915


Grinde is a junior partner of a pottery firm. An old chemist, Benjamin Lord, discovers a formula for glazing pottery that is designed to revolutionize the industry. The chemist's grandson, David, takes a sample of the new process to Grinde, who says he will give it consideration. He delegates his foreman, Mole, to steal the formula.


The Craven

The Craven 1915


Bud Walton, the village blacksmith, is big and strong physically, but he has not the courage to put his strength to good purpose. All the boys take a slap at him whenever they choose, and Bud makes no attempt to retaliate. This causes his sweetheart, June, to despise him.


The Secret Service Man

The Secret Service Man 1912


Officials of a foreign country learn that certain United States war plans they desire are in the possession of a prominent senator, at his country home. An adventuress, high up in society circles, delegated to learn their location, secures the combination of the safe they are in and her confederate enters and is robbing the safe when the senator's daughter surprises him. She is overpowered and he escapes with the plans. The secret service man in attendance follows, and one of the most exciting chases ever seen in pictures follows.


The Joke on Yellentown

The Joke on Yellentown 1914


The new minister en route to a new western town to preach loses one of his suitcases containing his clerical robes. It is found on the road by Pete and Ike, cowboys of the Bar X Ranch, who decide to play a huge joke on the boys of their town.


The High Grader

The High Grader 1914


While out hunting Wheeler and his daughter rescue a prospector, Tom Andrews, from a ledge where he has fallen. They take the wounded man home and nurse him back to health. Wheeler, needing a partner, offers him an interest in his project and soon after they strike a rich vein.


Man's Prerogative

Man's Prerogative 1915


Oliver and Elizabeth wed. He is a famous lawyer, careless of his personal conduct, but has implicit faith in Elizabeth. She is a woman of strong mind, a magazine writer of repute, and believes he should guide himself by the same code that governs her. Two of their associates are profligates, Charles, an artist, and Catherine. Oliver trifles with Catherine and this so embitters Elizabeth, that she pretends to receive the attentions of Charles, although it is made clear that she has remained pure. Nevertheless, she purposely permits her husband to believe otherwise. He has considered her like Caesar's wife, but his faith is shattered. A child is born to her and the father doubts its parentage.


Station Content

Station Content 1915


A dead child's broken doll reunites an estranged husband and wife.



Kaintuck 1912


Kaintuck is a big mountaineer. He loves his sweetheart, Sue, with his whole simple, honest heart. One day an artist comes to sketch in their vicinity. He is immediately struck by Sue's beauty and asks permission to use her as his model. Kaintuck is not pleased with the idea, but the girl consents. When the artist secures board in Sue's home, Kaintuck's jealousy knows no bounds



Macbeth 1916


Shakespeare's tragedy of the Scots nobleman whose ambition leads him to betrayal, murder, and damnation.


The Old Man

The Old Man 1914


The Old Man is a 1914 film short


The Doll-House Mystery

The Doll-House Mystery 1915


When a stack of valuable bonds go missing from the Grant household, suspicion falls on little Carmen Grant's playmate Georgie, whose father is a poor ex-convict trying to go straight.