The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid 1976


A little Mermaid falls in love with a Prince whom she saves during a storm. Using all kinds of magical incantations in exchange for the Mermaid’s beautiful blue hair, a witch replaces her fish tail with human legs, making it possible for the Mermaid to walk and live on earth at the cost of great pain with every step she takes. The Little Mermaid willingly suffers through these trials only to be near her beloved. But the Prince, not realizing how lucky he is, becomes enamored with a beautiful but vain princess.


The Profession of Arms

The Profession of Arms 2001


In autumn of 1526, the Emperor, Charles V, sends his German landsknechts led by Georg von Frundsberg to march towards Rome. The inferior papal armies, commanded by Giovanni de'Medici, try to chase them in the midst of a harsh winter. Nevertheless, the Imperial armies manage to cross the rivers along their march and get cannons thanks to the maneuvers of its Lords. In a skirmish, Giovanni de'Medici is wounded in the leg by a falconet shot. The attempts to cure him fail and he dies. The Imperial armies assault Rome. The film is beautifully but unassumingly set, and shows the hard conditions in which war is waged and its lack of glory. It ends straightforwardly with the declaration made after the death of Giovanni de'Medici by the commanders of the armies in Europe of not using again fire weapons because of their cruelty.


The Goat Horn

The Goat Horn 1972


XVII century, Bulgaria is under Ottoman rule. Four men break into the house of the shepherd Karaivan, raping and killing his wife in full view of their child, Maria. To protect his daughter and to enact revenge, he raises Maria as a son, teaching her to fight and kill. But as Maria grows up, she longs for a different life.



Stars 1959


Stationed in a secluded Bulgarian village in 1943, Walter – a German Wehrmacht sergeant and artist – lives in almost idyllic distance from the war. Then a transit camp is set up for Jews arriving from Greece. When Ruth, one of the internees, asks Walter to help a pregnant woman, the two form an unlikely bond.


Rain over Santiago

Rain over Santiago 1975


A semi-fictional account on the fatidic September 11, 1973, when the military commanded by General Pinochet took over the power from socialist president Salvador Allende, initiating a dictatorship that lasted until 1988 causing the deaths and disappearances of many people.


The Peach Thief

The Peach Thief 1964


The wife of a Bulgarian POW camp's warden falls in love with a Serbian prisoner at the end of World War I.


Adio, Rio

Adio, Rio 1989


Stoev, a talented architect is working in Rio de Janeiro. All along the design stages, Stoev's understanding has been that he would be going together with his assistant architect. However, the company chief secretly decides to change the terms and go instead of the assistant, threatening Stoev to cancel the whole deal if he doesn't comply. Stoev is left with the dilemma to betray a colleague and friend, or to miss the greatest opportunity in his career. When Stoev is about to choose the former, a mysterious dead body appears in his life.


Yuliya Vrevskaya

Yuliya Vrevskaya 1977


The film is based on a true dramatic story of the fate of a wonderful Russian woman - Countess Yulia Petrovna Vrevskaya, one of the first Petersburg beauties. The events of the movie take place during the Russian-Turkish war for the liberation of the Bulgarian people from the Turkish yoke. An early widowed baroness, having left Petersburg, and having invested all her money in organizing a volunteer sanitary detachment, she becomes a sister of mercy on the front of the Bulgarian war with the Ottoman Empire of 1878.


Indian Summer

Indian Summer 1973


The day that the financial clerk Metodi Rashkov is getting retired comes. He is a shy and quiet man and he accepts all tasks given to him by his son and daughter in law without argument. With time, he becomes a housekeeper; he shops, cooks and looks after his grandson. In order to save his face in front of his friends he lies to them and falls in a number of uncomfortable situations. The "Expolsion" becomes imminent. The reason is insignificant but with great consequences. Rashkov leaves his home. Soon the freedom which he wanted becomes boring for him. The abandoned family begins to miss the grandfather. At the end everyone sees their mistakes and is ready to fix them. The birth of a second grandson is the event which brings everyone under the same roof again.


Thirteen Days

Thirteen Days 1964


The Soviet army is approaching the Bulgarian border. Many government ministers and army officers prepare to flee the country. The partisans take over the key administrative buildings. At the War Ministry, the commander of the armored brigade Major Essev hesitates between his sense of honor as an officer and his patriotic duty. He takes the side of the partisans.


Legacy of the Incas

Legacy of the Incas 1965


During the 1800s, Peru's government sends 2 envoys to negotiate peace with the rebellious Incas but a treasure-hunter bandit shoots the Inca ruler and his son, leaving the 2 envoys to take the blame for it.


The Big Night Bathe

The Big Night Bathe 1980


Friends of different generations, practicing different professions, spend together their summer holidays at the seaside every year. It is sunny; they look carefree and happy. They know each other very well, they are used to each other. To such an extent, that bore becomes inevitable. It is boredom that incites them to play a dangerous game. The end is dramatic: a young boy gets killed. It is the moment to draw the bottom line. The question is: Isn't the death of the spirit worse than of the body?


Queen's Messenger

Queen's Messenger 2001


By order of Her Majesty's Secret Service, Captain Strong is given a dangerous assignment to deliver a delicate communication to the British Ambassador in Kazakhstan. As the senior officer for the elite Queen's Messenger corps, Captain Strong must pledge to protect his diplomatic cargo with his life



Eolomea 1972


Eight space cargo-ships disappear without a trace within three days. And the orbit station "Margot" has suddenly fallen silent. The space council is faced with a mystery and the scientist in charge, Maria Scholl, sees no other solution than ordering a total flight stop to this mysterious sector of space. Her colleague, Prof. Tal seems to be suspicious since he knows things before they are even released. A forbidden look into his personal file brings to light that Tal was part of the Eolomea project that never found approval of the commission in charge.


The Biggest Sin

The Biggest Sin 1982


In the last moments of his life, the writer turns over episodes from his past. He finds the cause of another death, ahead of the last breath.


Legend of Paisiy

Legend of Paisiy 1963


The beginning of the 18th century. Bulgaria is under the Ottoman bondage. The monks of the Monastery of Hilendar on Mount Athos warn the young monk Paisiy to beware of the "pestilent chapel". On his deathbed, the abbot conjures Paisiy to search for Slavonic books. The young monk goes from one monastery to another in search of ancient books. He breaks into the "pestilent chapel" and finds there stacks of old Bulgarian books telling of the wisdom of Bulgarians kings, and of the power and civilization of the Bulgarian Empire and its past glory. His fellow-monks try to burn the books but Paisiy manages to escape. His Slav-Bulgarian History circulates in handwritten copies through the captive country and the Bulgarians becomes truly aware of their national identity.


The Central Warmth

The Central Warmth 1978


A tenement house needs to have steam heating installed. The residents find the necessary workers to do it, sign the contract and pay them in advance. The workers show up and start their job, but disappear immediately. Panic-stricken, the residents set up to search for them, only to find the workers in jail. Totally desperate, their only chance is to come up with an ingenious plan how to bring the work to the end.


The Thirteenth Bride of the Prince

The Thirteenth Bride of the Prince 1987


A silly prince wants to marry a beautiful peasant girl. His guards kidnap her, but the girl escapes and returns to her beloved. Meanwhile, a UFO lands in the kingdom and the aliens witness nuisances, court intrigues, and lies. They are not allowed to meddle in other people's affairs, but they still influence the happy ending.



Tobacco 1962


Boris Morev dreams of money and power, he’ll do everything to reach the top, including leaving his beloved Irina, to marry the daughter of the local tobacco factory owner. With the death of his father-in-law and the illness of his wife, Morev becomes the new owner of "Nicotiana" and rules with an iron fist, resulting in massive labour strikes and murder. He ropes Irina back into his life, first as a mistress and later as his second wife, but his ambitions still come first as he plans on emerging as the biggest tobacco seller once the war is over. Irina’s love for Boris is fading and she finds a lover in one of the Germans Boris is trying to strike a deal with. Set against the backdrop of World War II and communist partisans fighting against the Nazi-allied Bulgarian monarchy, the film is a screen adaptation of the Bulgarian classic novel "Tobacco" released in 1954.