
Reverón 2011


It is a love story that takes place between 1924 and 1954 on the shore of the Caribbean Seawhere we discover the universe of the great Venezuelan artist Armando Reveron, his relationship with his muse Juanita and inseparable companion, the friends who frequent the building andrecreation of the objects that make up his world, his obsession with tropical light that blinds. We will see the development of his mental illness and the universe playful, emotional and painful inthis magical space called The Castillete.


Orinoko, New World

Orinoko, New World 1984


The Orinoko: main character in the film. The first part is set during the pre-conquest and is represented as an earthly paradise. A shaman has precognitive visions: go to Columbus and the Catholic missionary in 1498.


Bolívar, a Tropical Symphony

Bolívar, a Tropical Symphony 1983


This is the first of Diego Risquez’ trilogy of avant-garde cinematic treatments of historical subjects. Using a painterly style, it features portraits, still lifes, and scenes shot as tableaux vivants, the film provides an experimental interpretation of the arrival of the Spanish and their domination of the New World, as well as the Venezuelan Independence movement, focusing on the role of Simón Bolívar. There is no dialogue or narration, simply a musical score and the depiction of events from Bolívar’s career.