Fora de comptes

Fora de comptes 2010


Peter Highman és un arquitecte que està a punt de ser pare. En Peter, un home seriós, haurà de creuar els Estats Units de banda a banda per poder assistir al naixement del seu fill, però durant el viatge haurà de suportar un company de viatge ben excèntric i molest.



L'intercanvi 2011


Durant la infància i l'adolescència, Mitch (Ryan Reynolds) i Dave (Jason Bateman) van ser amics inseparables, però amb el pas dels anys s'han anat distanciant. Dave és un advocat enganxat a la feina, s'ha casat i té tres fills. Mitch segueix solter, és força immadur, treballa de vegades i viu sense lligams de cap mena. Mitch creu que Dave ho té tot: una preciosa esposa (Leslie Mann), uns nens que ho adoren i una bona feina en un prestigiós bufet. Dave, per la seva banda, enveja Mitch perquè viu sense estrès ni pressió ni obligacions. Un dia, després de compartir una gran borratxera, els mons de Mitch i Dave es tornen de l'inrevés: quan es desperten cadascú ocupa el cos de l'altre, de manera que no tindran cap més remei que intercanviar els seus papers.


Van Wilder: La festa salvatge

Van Wilder: La festa salvatge 2002


Després de set anys perdent el temps a la universitat, Van Wilder no té cap intenció de graduar-se. Tot i això, per a la seva desgràcia, el seu pare, Vance Wilder, tampoc té la menor intenció de seguir pagant els seus estudis. Però Van té una idea: organitzar festes per recaptar els diners necessaris per continuar amb la vida d'estudiant. Gwen Pearson és una estudianta a qui li han encarregat escriure un article, en contra dels seus desitjos, sobre el "Rei de la universitat". A mesura que Gwen coneix el món de Van, descobreix la veritat sobre l'home que hi ha darrere el mite.



Hop 2011



It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2005


Four egocentric friends run a neighborhood Irish pub in Philadelphia and try to find their way through the adult world of work and relationships. Unfortunately, their warped views and precarious judgments often lead them to trouble, creating a myriad of uncomfortable situations that usually only get worse before they get better.


Regular Show

Regular Show 2010


Two bored groundskeepers, Mordecai (a six-foot-tall blue jay) and Rigby (a hyperactive raccoon) are best friends who spend their days trying to entertain themselves by any means necessary, much to the displeasure of their boss. Their everyday pursuits often lead to things spiraling out of control and into the surreal.


Peep Show

Peep Show 2003


Peep Show follows the lives of two men from their twenties to thirties, Mark Corrigan, who has steady employment for most of the series, and Jeremy "Jez" Usbourne, an unemployed would-be musician.



Girlboss 2017


Sophia is a rebellious, broke anarchist who refuses to grow up. She stumbles upon her passion of selling vintage clothes online and becomes an unlikely businesswoman. As she builds her retail fashion empire, she realizes the value and the difficulty of being the boss of her own life.



Impastor 2015


Buddy Dobbs, a slacker on the run from a loan shark, steals a man's identity and ends up posing as a small town's new gay pastor.


Dan for Mayor

Dan for Mayor 2010


Dan Phillips is a 30-something bartender who lives and works in the ordinary city of Wessex. Dan's had the same friends since grade school, his most prized possession is a vintage Ms. Pac-Man game and his last serious relationship was with a girl who is now engaged to someone else. His life seems to be firmly on the path to more of the same... until a chance comment suddenly puts him in the running for mayor of Wessex.



Wasted 2016


Four mates waste their twenties in a West Country village. Morpheus, a geeky conspiracy theorist runs a mystical souvenir shop with his unambitious sister, Sarah. His scrounger best friend Kent sleeps on their sofa rent-free, and his secret crush, Alison, runs a new age healing business at the back of the shop. Mixing the misadventures of twenty something life with visually surreal set pieces, it's about the very bad things that really good friends do to each other, when they've been living in each other's pockets since school. 



Kumbaya! 2015


After getting plastered with absinthe the two slackers Jacob and David find a pizza box on which they deliriously wrote a thesis for a new religion. On the internet solvent followers join their church and soon their Pay Pal account is bursting at the seams. Because of their intensive passion for video games, they hire Eva, who is supposed to manage the pastoral counseling. To make themselves seem reputable in front of the tax authorities and be able to circulate an actual offertory bag, a real church has to be built. Coincidentally Eva just met a carpenter. Seems to be a nice guy. His name is Jesús.