Pla 75

Pla 75 2022


Al Japó el govern considera que, a partir de certa edat, la gent gran és una càrrega inútil per a la societat i implementa el “Pla 75”, que proposa als ancians un acompanyament logístic i financer per posar fi a la seva vida. Una dona gran amb pocs mitjans de subsistència, un venedor pragmàtic del “Pla 75” i una jove treballadora filipina s’enfronten a la presa de decisió entre la vida i la mort.


Struggle for Life

Struggle for Life 2014


The struggle for existence is about the linguist Tomasz Novak (28) traveling from Warsaw to Norway to collect what he believes is a quick buck from a father he has never met. His project is proving to take time and along the way he becomes ever more integrated in the Norwegian society, represented by a privileged and well-meaning group of citizens, which in turn gives us a picture of the current Norwegian life.