L’ombra del regne

L’ombra del regne 2007


A Ronald Fleury, un intel·ligent agent especial del Govern, li acaben d'encarregar una missió important: organitzar un equip d'elit que s'haurà de desplaçar a Riad per capturar el cervell d'un atemptat terrorista que li va costar la vida a diversos compatriotes. L'equip disposarà d'una setmana per infiltrar-se i destruir una cèl·lula terrorista decidida a emprendre la gihad (guerra santa) contra Occident. Fleury troba un aliat inesperat: un capità de la policia local que l'instrueix sobre els secrets de la política saudita i l'ajuda a investigar l'autèntica raó de l'atemptat, gràcies a la qual cosa acabaran trobant els terroristes.


La bicicleta verda

La bicicleta verda 2012


Wadjda és una nena de 10 anys que viu als suburbis de Riad, la capital d’Aràbia Saudita. Encara que viu en un món conservador, és divertida i sempre arriba al límit entre allò que pot fer i allò prohibit.


Tot esperant el rei

Tot esperant el rei 2016


Alan Clay (Tom Hanks) és un empresari nord-americà que, fugint de la recessió, es trasllada a l'Aràbia Saudita, on l'economia es troba en plena expansió, per salvar la seva situació econòmica i poder mantenir unida la seva família.


Rabb Se Hai Dua

Rabb Se Hai Dua 2022


Dua and her husband are a perfect married couple in the eyes of their family. However, Dua’s life turns upside down when her husband seeks her permission to marry another woman.


Wild Arabia

Wild Arabia 2013


Deep in the Gulf region is one of the world's last great wildernesses - a mysterious and magical landscape hidden to the world for decades. Observe the dramatic and varied geology and extraordinary wildlife in the world premiere of 'WILD ARABIA'. With unparalleled access, Animal Planet takes viewers to the crossroads of three continents to a clandestine kingdom of rich culture and breathtaking beauty. Once the trade hub of the ancient world, Arabia has transitioned into a secluded splendor where the modern world brushes up against a vast and ageless sweeping terrain. Feast your eyes on the scenic and sculptural sand dunes of Saudi Arabia and Oman, which are populated by camel trains and elegant white gazelles. Discover the scores of undersea volcanoes in the deep trenches off the coast of Yemen, and uncover the secrets of the Tigris-Euphrates River Delta.


Mamnou' Al Tajawwol

Mamnou' Al Tajawwol 2021


Comedic interactions revolving around the social life in Saudi Arabia following measures to contain the pandemic that forced the world to go into lockdown.


Tahir's House

Tahir's House 2023


A family of amateur entrepreneurs must come together to convert their failing fish shop into a thriving business, but branching out isn't easy.



Yarub 2018


It tells the story of a Saudi family with limited income, consisting of Yarub and his sister Asrar and their grandfather. The family goes through strange adventures. Yarub is destined to face Al-Harith, who seeks to destroy the world, but Yarub does not know his fate.


Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia

Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia 1970


Bitter Rivals illuminates the essential history - and profound ripple effect - of Iran and Saudi Arabia's power struggle. It draws on scores of interviews with political, religious and military leaders, militia commanders, diplomats, and policy experts, painting American television's most comprehensive picture of a feud that has reshaped the Middle East.