Misericòrdia: Els casos del Departament Q

Misericòrdia: Els casos del Departament Q 2013


Després de cometre un error que va costar la vida d'un dels seus col·legues i va deixar tetraplègic el millor amic, l'inspector Carl Mørck (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) travessa una de les pitjors èpoques de la seva vida. El seu sentiment de culpabilitat augmenta quan el cap i la premsa dubten de la seva actuació. Relegat a un nou departament dedicat a casos no resolts, Carl, juntament amb el seu nou company d'origen sirià Hafez al-Assad (Fares Fares), veu l'oportunitat de demostrar la seva vàlua en descobrir les nombroses irregularitats comeses en el cas de Marete Lyngaard ( Sonja Richter). Quan el 2002, aquesta jove promesa de la política danesa va desaparèixer mentre feia un viatge en ferri, la policia va decidir tancar el cas per falta de proves. Aquest és el naixement del Departament Q i el seu primer cas per resoldre...


La Dama de Ferro

La Dama de Ferro 2011


La Dama de Ferro explica l'apassionant història de Margaret Thatcher, una dona que va trencar totes les barreres de gènere i classe per ser escoltada en un món dominat per homes. La història tracta sobre el poder i el preu que s'hi paga, en un retrat sorprenent i íntim d'una dona extraordinària i complexa.


Clara Campoamor, la dona oblidada

Clara Campoamor, la dona oblidada 2011


L'any 1931, a Espanya es proclama la Segona República. En aquest context les dones són elegibles però no poden votar. Clara Campoamor i Victoria Kent són les primeres dones diputades que trepitgen les corts i es plantegen molt fermament lluitar pels drets de la dona. Clara Campoamor sap que això passa per una primera i gran conquesta: el vot femení…



Veep 2012


A look into American politics, revolving around former Senator Selina Meyer who finds being Vice President of the United States is nothing like she expected and everything everyone ever warned her about.


Madam Secretary

Madam Secretary 2014


After years away from the CIA, Elizabeth McCord is pulled back into the political arena. The newly appointed Secretary of State is tough, fair, and smart, driving international diplomacy, wrangling office politics, and circumventing protocol as she negotiates global and domestic issues, both at the White House and at home.



Borgen 2010


40-year old political leader Birgitte Nyborg secures her party a landslide victory through her idealism and huge effort, then faces the biggest challenge of her life: how most effectively to use the newly won seats, and how far she is willing to go in order to gain as much influence as possible.


The Diplomat

The Diplomat 2023


In the midst of an international crisis, a career diplomat lands in a high-profile job she’s unsuited for, with tectonic implications for her marriage and her political future.


Commander in Chief

Commander in Chief 2005


Mackenzie Allen has a lot on her plate -- she has twin teenagers, a 6-year-old at home and an ambitious husband at the office, and she is about to become the first female president of the United States. Before that happens, however; Mackenzie, who serves as vice president, has to decide whether or not to go against the dying wishes of the current president, who has asked her to step down and let someone "more appropriate" fill his shoes in the Oval Office. Not only does the president want her to resign, so does the entire party that elected her in the first place. But when the moment of truth arrives, Mackenzie isn't willing to be a mere footnote in history. Instead of allowing her detractors to keep her down, she decides to trust her instincts and accept the most powerful job in the world.



Bodyguard 2018


A troubled war veteran is assigned to protect a controversial politician who may be the target of a terror plot.



Queenmaker 2023


After a tragic accident, a powerful fixer uses her skills to transform a civil rights lawyer into the next mayor — and take down her former employer.


Borgen - Power & Glory

Borgen - Power & Glory 2022


Foreign Minister Birgitte Nyborg finds her career in jeopardy when a dispute over oil in Greenland threatens to become an international crisis.


Big Thing

Big Thing 2010


Seo Hye-rim is a hot-tempered news announcer who was fired by the broadcasting company, but is later elected to the National Assembly and became the first female president of Korea. She faces political pressure and potential impeachment from Kang Tae-san and his followers, but survives with the aid of the prosecutor Ha Do-ya.