Mary i el pastís de coliflor i canyella

Mary i el pastís de coliflor i canyella 2023


La Mary, d’onze anys, aspira a convertir-se en una gran chef. L’àvia, amb qui l’uneix un vincle molt fort, sempre l’ha animada a fer realitat aquest somni. Però ara s’està morint. Llavors, l’aparició d’una dona misteriosa, que resulta ser l’esperit de la besàvia (vingut del més enllà per ajudar la seva filla a acomiadar-se d’aquest món), arrossegarà la Mary a un viatge sorprenent en què traspassarà barreres temporals i generacionals.


Making It Through

Making It Through 1990


Sugako Hashida Drama Wataru Seken wa Oni Bakari is a Japanese television drama series that first aired on TBS in 1990.


It's Beautiful Now

It's Beautiful Now 2022


Three brothers search for marriage partners in order to win the apartment offered by their family elders.


Wonderful Days

Wonderful Days 2014


Dong-Suk grew up as a smart young boy, but came from a poor family background. He is now a successful prosecutor and comes back to his hometown for the first time in 14 years. There, he happens to meet his first love Hae-Won and falls in love with her all over again.


Never Give Up

Never Give Up 2022


A young entrepreneur finds an unlikely partner, and friend, in a middle-aged breadwinner as they live together in the home of an enigmatic loan shark.


Rich Man, Poor Man

Rich Man, Poor Man 1976


Based on the best-selling 1969 novel by Irwin Shaw, the series follows the divergent career courses of the impoverished German American Jordache brothers.