Els ocells

Els ocells 1963


Melanie, una jove rica i snob de l'alta societat de San Francisco, coneix casualment en una ocelleria l'advocat Mitch Brenner, que ha anat a comprar un regal d'aniversari per a Kathy, la seva germana petita. Mitch, que coneix per la premsa l'esbojarrada vida de Melanie, la tracta despectivament i se'n va de la botiga deixant-la força irritada. Ella, que no està acostumada que la tractin així, encarrega uns periquitos i els porta a casa de l'advocat, però Mitch se n'ha anat a passar el cap de setmana a casa de la seva mare. Aleshores, Melanie decideix anar a Bodega Bay i presentar-se a casa dels Brenner amb el pretext de regalar els periquitos a Kathy. Quan ella arriba, els ocells, embogits, comencen a atacar salvatgement els habitants del lloc. La situació s'agreuja a mesura que avancen les hores.


Harry i fill

Harry i fill 1984


Harry, un home vidu que treballa a la construcció, està passant mals moments per motius de salut. Quan, de manera involuntària, gairebé mata un company, decideix buscar una nova feina. Té un fill adolescent, una mica irresponsable, que no entén el mal humor del seu pare, sobretot quan li aconsella que busqui feina. A més, el noi somia ser escriptor, però només li confia a la seva amiga Katy.


Be My Cat

Be My Cat 2021


The story revolves around the cute and lively proprietress Su Xiao He who runs a pet shop on the banks of Qingshan Lake in Qingqiu Country Jiangzhou. She accidentally picked up a "Blue Soul Orb" and awakened the Meow Star Prince from the DW galaxy. The Prince incarnate as Mo Xiu Ran, a mysterious major general of the Qingqiu country. He and Su Xiao He signed a "master-servant contract" by chance. Although they were initially at odds, together they embark on an adventure, uncovering the secrets and found love in the process.


YandaiXie Street No.10

YandaiXie Street No.10 2016


This is a love story between a ‘weirdo’, the novelist, Liang Ze and a ‘nice guy’, the pet shop owner, Hang Hang. Both of them know each other through Hang Hang’s online pet shop and meet each other for the first time in No.10 YanDaiXie Street, the address of Hang Hang’s physical store. Their funny story begins with the inquiry of Liang Ze to Hang Hang on something about his beloved chinchillas.


Broom without Handle

Broom without Handle 1970


Most of the story is about young boy Zlatko and his friend Dusko, the two boys and their relationship with parents and the funny characters that live in their neighborhood. They are especially curious about the local pet shop, a place that obviously keeps a secret. In the first season of this show, the main characters were Vladimir and Dragana, a duo that talks about many issues and later follows the adventures of Zlatko's family. In the second and third season, Dragana already left while Vladimir only occasionally appeared as one of the neighbors.