L’Imperi contraataca

L’Imperi contraataca 1980


Després d’un atac sorpresa de les tropes imperials a la base camuflada de l’aliança rebel al planeta gelat de Hoth, Luke Skywalker, en companyia d’R2D2, viatja cap el planeta Dagobah per a cercar en Yoda, l’últim dels mestres Jedi, per a que l’ensenyi els secrets de la Força. De mentre, Han Solo, la princesa Leia, Chewbacca i en C3PO esquiven a les forces imperials i busquen refugi amb l’antic propietari del Falcó Mil·lenari, en Lando Calrissian


North of North

North of North 1970


A young Inuk mother wants to build a new future for herself, but it won’t be easy in her small Arctic town where everyone knows your business.


Wildest Arctic

Wildest Arctic 2012


From the Taiga to the Tundra to the Arctic Ocean, this series immerses the viewer in the nature of the northern extremities of Europe, beyond the Arctic Circle and into a land of ice and fire. Wildest Arctic captures the awesome cinematic range of the Arctic region, from the creaks, crashes of vast glaciers, to the howls of the wildest wolves and the haunting remoteness of this true wilderness.