Manual d’un garrepa

Manual d’un garrepa 2016


En François Gautier és un home molt garrepa que viu per estalviar i a qui tenir qualsevol despesa, per petita que sigui, li fa venir suor freda. Però un dia, de cop i volta, la seva vida fa un gir vertiginós: s'enamora d'una noia i descobreix que té una filla. Ara ja no li serà tan fàcil tenir una vida tan austera i s'haurà d'empescar uns quants recursos per fer front a la situació i continuar gastant tan poc com sempre, cosa que provocarà uns quants embolics.



L'avar 1980


Harpagon, avar i irascible, és víctima del seu amor desmesurat pel seu petit bagul de lluïsos d'or. Per conservar-lo només per a ell, ha d'acceptar que el seu fill es casi amb una dona sense diners i la filla amb el majordom.


Mamoun & Associates

Mamoun & Associates 2016


In a social and cynical context, the series revolves around Maemon, a very stingy man who has a wife and four kids whom he deprives of everything. After they all leave him, they discover that he's a billionaire. They then start a journey of finding his hidden wealth and how to get hold of it.


A family Over A Hot Oven

A family Over A Hot Oven 1987


A Kuwaiti series that takes place in a comedy setting, about the miser (Abu Saleh), his wife (Fatima), his daughter (Hayla), and his son (Saleh), arising between the mother of Fatima's mother and her husband Saleh many problems because of his sadness. While Hamdan lives with his sister Al-Ansabya, who is looking to marry anyone.


Bou Habash

Bou Habash 1996


The events of the series revolve around a miserly man who is married and has a sister who lives with him in the same house, and he has a son who plays in a club. (Bo Habash) works in a clothing store, and he pressures customers to buy from him and not from the neighboring stores, so he sometimes reduces prices to keep away Customers from other stores, one of the customers set him up and stole his money after he convinced him to give him his money to achieve greater gains, and after the police returned this money to him and for fear that it would be stolen, he hid them in the car, but his son Habbash steals the car and makes an accident and the car burns with the money.