Un profeta

Un profeta 2009


El jove Malik El Djebena, francès d'origen àrab, ingressa a la presó per complir una pena de sis anys. Encara que al principi la vida a la presó li resulta molt dura perquè està sol, s'adapta ràpidament i, gràcies al seu carisma, es guanya a poc a poc la simpatia dels membres de la màfia corsa, que tenen subornats a els guàrdies i controlen tot el que passa a la presó.


L’Incendie (El Harik)

L’Incendie (El Harik) 1974


In 1939 in eastern Algeria, Omar, a young boy of ten, lives with his family in a room in Dar Sbitar, a house shared by several families who overcome the trials they go through every day to ensure their subsistence. Her deceased father is Aïni, the mother, who bleeds herself from all four veins to keep her children and their grandmother alive. The families of Dar Sbitar share their intimacy and their daily life, this life animates the big house, which itself becomes a character in its own right. "El Harik" (The Fire), is an Algerian drama series in 10 episodes adapted from Mohamed Dib's trilogy "The Big House", "The Fire" and "The Loom".