La fórmula de la felicitat

La fórmula de la felicitat 2014


El farmacèutic d'un petit i avorrit poble troba la via d'escapament al seu ruïnós matrimoni a través d'una amant.


La mort de Mikel

La mort de Mikel 1984


Mikel és un farmacèutic d'un poble proper a Bilbao, el matrimoni del qual s'ha deteriorat fins al punt d'arribar fins i tot a la violència domèstica. Un dia va a una sala de festes on actua Fama, un famós transvestit de la capital, amb què inicia una relació sentimental. Quan Mikel mor en estranyes circumstàncies, els seus coreligionaris abertzales intentaran treure partit polític a la seva mort.


Quin Nadal!

Quin Nadal! 1982


És la nit de Nadal i a les oficines de SOS Amistat, que ofereixen assistència telefònica a tot aquell que se senti sol, sembla tot molt tranquil. Però de mica en mica la nit s'anirà de mare de la mà d'un transvestit depressiu o una parella dels suburbis completament guillada, entre d'altres.


Al vell Califòrnia

Al vell Califòrnia 1942


Tom Craig (John Wayne) arriba a Sacramento (Califòrnia) per tal d'establir-hi una farmàcia. Però la ciutat està dominada per Britt Dawson (Albert Dekker), i ben aviat esclatarà la guerra entre tots dos.


Les germanes

Les germanes 1938


Tres filles d'un modest farmacèutic han de passar per judicis i tribulacions, a causa dels seus problemàtics matrimonis entre el 1904 i el 1908.


One Spring Night

One Spring Night 2019


When Lee Jeong-in and Yu Ji-ho meet, something unexpected happens. Or it just may be that spring is in the air -- and anything is possible.


Unsung Cinderella, Midori, The Hospital Pharmacist

Unsung Cinderella, Midori, The Hospital Pharmacist 2020


Aoi Midori is a pharmacist and in the 8-year span of her career, she has worked according to her strong belief that "One must know the patient well in order to prescribe the correct medication as medicine is the bond that connects the patient's today to his/her daily life henceforth". Due to that, Aoi usually takes a long time in her consultations with the patients, and this causes her to be complained by her colleagues for being too inefficient in her work. Aoi shrugs off the complaints as her goal is to help the patients regain the daily life that they once took for granted.


Victorian Pharmacy

Victorian Pharmacy 2010


Victorian Pharmacy is a historical documentary TV series in four parts, first shown on BBC Two in July 2010. It was made for the BBC by independent production company Lion Television. It was filmed at Blists Hill Victorian Town in Shropshire. It is a historical documentary that looks at life in the 19th Century and how people attempted to cure common ailments. Since some of the ingredients of Victorian remedies are now either illegal or known to be dangerous, Nick Barber often uses his modern pharmaceutical knowledge to produce similar products without those ingredients. The other main presenters are Tom Quick, a PhD student, and Ruth Goodman, a domestic historian who also appeared in Tales from the Green Valley, Victorian Farm and Edwardian Farm.