
Caos 2005



Casa't amb mi

Casa't amb mi 2006


Tot comença quan Anderson provoca, literalment, la mort de la seva núvia, degut a la impressió que li provoca que li demani matrimoni en un restaurant de moda. Després d'un any sumit en la autocompassió, el seu millor amic l'incita a obrir-se de nou a les possibilitats de la vida. Seguint el seu consell, Anderson proposa matrimoni a la primera dona que apareix davant els seus ulls: La Katie, una cambrera que està treballant en el cafè en el que es troben. La Katie accepta la proposta d'Anderson. A partir d'aquí comença una aventura desgavellada que demostra com pot arribar a ser de difícil l'amor, sobretot quan et cases amb un estrany.


Gent felina

Gent felina 1982


Kinski interpreta una dona de la raça humana felina, que es converteix en pantera en determinades situacions. Un dia dedica anar a Nova Orleans a visitar el seu germà, i allà un home del zoo s'hi queda fascinat... Remake del conegut film de Jacques Tourneur.


Ahir, avui i demà

Ahir, avui i demà 1963


A Nàpols, l'Adelina ha de vendre tabac de contraban per sustentar la seva família. Les multes impagades per exercir aquesta activitat la fan viure sota l'amenaça constant de la presó. A Milà, la rica i voluble Anna fa una escapada amb el seu nou amant en el Rolls-Royce del seu marit. A Roma, la Mara, una prostituta de bon cor, farà una prometença per retornar al bon camí un jove seminarista esgarriat. Tres històries protagonitzades per l'actriu Sophia Loren que mostren la voluntat, decisió i sentit pràctic de la dona italiana davant la debilitat dels homes que l'envolten.


The Comic Artist and His Assistants

The Comic Artist and His Assistants 2014


The life of an artist can be hard: Long, arduous hours working with only your thoughts and assistants to keep you company. In the case of overworked mangaka Aito, his attempts to merge the two are so far unsuccessful. His priorities are askew and subjecting his assistants to his fantasies has taken precedent over work. Despite his abuse of power, his assistants are willing to play along. Thankfully, editor Mihari is there to keep him in line, from threatening to fire him to physical punishment.


Kiitaro's Yokai Picture Diary

Kiitaro's Yokai Picture Diary 2016


Kiitarou is a boy with a strong sixth sense who is always surrounded by demons. He gets talked to by yukionna, gets his bath licked clean by akaname (licking demons), and lives with the zashiki-warashi Suzu, whom he just can't come to dislike.



Atelier 2015


A young "fabric geek" lands a job at an upscale Japanese lingerie company — and quickly discovers she'll need help to survive.


Victoria's Secret: Angels and Demons

Victoria's Secret: Angels and Demons 2022


Truth is not what it seems; as the underworld of fashion, the billionaire class, and Jeffrey Epstein are revealed to all be inextricably intertwined with the rise and fall of this legendary brand.



Héroïnes 2017


Céline, Selma, Nathalie and Agathe live in a suburban town and all try to survive while the crisis spares no one. The closure of the women's lingerie factory is jeopardizing the city's economy. The joy of living gives way to unemployment and a social fracture more and more gaping, a boon for the National Party. The factory workers react and organize a women's wrestling tournament. The destinies of the four friends will then capsize...