
L’escàndol 2019


"L'escàndol" explica la història de les dones que van enfonsar un dels fundadors de l'imperi mediàtic més poderós i controvertit dels Estats Units, Fox News. L'estiu del 2016, Gretchen Carlson, expresentadora de l'influent programa matinal "Fox & Friends", es va armar de valor i va presentar una demanda per assetjament sexual contra el seu excap, Roger Ailes. En només 16 dies vertiginosos, Ailes patiria una de les caigudes més espectaculars des del capdamunt de l'elit de la història corporativa.


Thelma i Louise

Thelma i Louise 1991


La Thelma Dickinson està casada amb un insuportable cretí que la tracta com una nena petita. La seva amiga Louise Sawyer treballa de cambrera en una cafeteria i somia amb casar-se amb el seu xicot músic Jimmy. Un cap de setmana decideixen fer un viatge totes dues per tal d'allunyar-se de la mortal rutina de les seves frustrants vides. La seva escapada, lluny de ser divertida, acaba sent una experiència plena de fets dramàtics.


Viva Las Vegas

Viva Las Vegas 1964


Romàntic musical en què Elvis interpreta un pilot de cotxes de carreres que també canta, mentre que Ann-Margret és una ballarina d'un casino. Entre cançó i cançó, sorgeix l'amor...


La tinent O'Neil

La tinent O'Neil 1997


Les pressions d'una senadora del Congrés dels EUA converteixen la tinent Jordan O Neil en la primera dona d'una unitat d'elit de l'exèrcit nord-americà. En el fons, ningú no espera que superi un règim d'entrenament severíssim que el seixanta per cent dels reclutes masculins no aconsegueixen acabar. No obstant això, O ́Neil està disposada a demostrar que tothom s'equivoca.



Assetjament 1994


Tom Sanders és un executiu madur i atractiu que treballa en una empresa d'alta tecnologia. Està a punt de rebre un ascens, però en una setmana cabdal per a la seva vida, veurà com es trunquen totes les aspiracions quan, en comptes d'ascendir-lo a ell nomenen per al lloc Meredith Jonson, una antiga parella seva que ara és una executiva ambiciosa.


The Royal Hotel

The Royal Hotel 2023


Dues amigues que viatgen per Austràlia es queden sense diners. Accepten una feina temporal en una remota localitat minera, rere la barra d'un pub: The Royal Hotel,. El propietari i un grup de vilatans els ofereixen una desenfrenada introducció a la cultura de l'alcohol, però aviat es troben en una inquietant situació.


En terra d’homes

En terra d’homes 2005


Josey Aimes (Charlize Theron), una mare soltera, torna al seu poble natal al nord de Minnesota i, per tirar endavant, busca feina a les mines de ferro. No s'imagina a quina mena d'humiliacions es veuen sotmeses les dones a la feina.


I Tried Asking While Kowtowing

I Tried Asking While Kowtowing 2020


"Grovel enough, and you'll get what you want." This is the motto that Suwaru Doge firmly stands by, believing that kneeling and begging will grant him the majestic view of a woman's naked body. After realizing the power of groveling in the dogeza stance, Doge wastes no time in exploiting it for lewd requests. Targeting the cutest and hottest girls in the school, he is one step closer to his goal of beholding their nude bodies, no matter what harm it may cause to his social standing.


Your House Helper

Your House Helper 2018


Kim Ji-Woon was born to a lawmaker father and doctor mother. He then went on to work at a big company, but he quit his job and stopped talking to his parents. Kim Ji-Woon meets a woman and begins to work as a housekeeper at her home. While doing his job, he listens to his customer's worries and gives advice to help them solve their problems.


Tarot: Seven Stories

Tarot: Seven Stories 2024


A brutal fate mystery series that tells the story of being trapped in the curse of tarot cards twisted by a moment's choice.


The Loudest Voice

The Loudest Voice 2019


The rise and fall of Fox News founder Roger Ailes, focusing primarily on the past decade in which Ailes arguably became the Republican Party’s de facto leader, while flashing back to defining events in his life.


Last Friends

Last Friends 2008


The series follow the life of Michiru Aida, a beauty parlor assistant who returns to Tokyo after 4 years. Bullied by her seniors at work and abused by her boyfriend, she is reunited with her best friend during high school, Ruka Kishimoto, a skilled motocross racer. Takeru, a make-up artist, is introduced to Ruka by her housemate, Eri and thus begin a journey of friendship.


Shall We Fall in Love

Shall We Fall in Love 2018


A story filled with hilarious circumstances that leave you not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Follow a young man's journey from nothing into someone who proves himself at work and wins over love and friendship.


Secrets of Playboy

Secrets of Playboy 2022


Explore the hidden truths behind the fable and philosophy of the Playboy empire through a modern-day lens. The documentary series delves into the complex world Hugh Hefner created and examines its far-reaching consequences on our culture’s view of power and sexuality.



MARS 2016


The story revolves around Kira and Rei, two high school students. Kira is an extremely introverted artist, and Rei is an outgoing playboy with a frightening violent side. The two start a friendship and eventually a romance after Rei sees a drawing that Kira drew on the back of a map she gave him. However, both Kira and Rei are hiding troubled pasts, and through their relationship they confront their past demons. Masao, a student at Kira and Rei's school, has a connection to Rei's violent past. He enters Kira and Rei's lives to try to force Rei to return to the person he used to be.


Handsome Stewardess

Handsome Stewardess 2019


Three Singaporean contestants went to a bar their last night in Taiwan. Holly, the tomboy bartender, gifted Meng Lian with a mixed drink called ‘Love in the Clouds.’ Suddenly a fight ensued in the bar, but Meng Lian, a national karate champion, successfully stopped the dispute. For Holly, it was love at first sight. Eventually Meng Lian also fell in love despite the distance between their homes. To save flights costs and meet more frequently, Holly applied to become a stewardess. Her height, high IQ and language skills made her an ideal flight attendant. However, she resisted wearing make-up, high heels or a pencil skirt for her interview. Fortunately, their friend, Jerry, was willing to help her transform.


The Killer Beside Me

The Killer Beside Me 2018


The Killer Beside Me exposes the dark underbelly of workplace evil where rivalry, romance, and the abuse of power culminate in a brutal slaying. Each episode in this series retells the shocking events leading to a horrific murder. How well do we really know our co-workers?


Citizen Rose

Citizen Rose 2018


Rose McGowan, artist and activist, documents the work being done to spread her message of “bravery, art, joy and survival.”



Illusion 1970


"Illusion" is the story of Teacher Jane, a music teacher at a private high school. She became the target and the victim of her own group of students; Time, Per, Tae and Yu, the children of nationally influential people. Until it became the big news of 2022 and she has to fight and figure out how to restore her reputation through various methods. As a result, she learned some secrets that the powerful clan was hiding... information related to the disappearance of one person!