The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 2014


Odlučujuća bitka slavne Hobit trilogije vodi se krajem 2941. godine i trećeg doba ispod planine Erebor. Ona donosi povratak zmaja Šmauga kojeg je poznata družina u prošlom nastavku proterala iz njegovog staništa. Ljuta i opasnija nego ikada, ova neman biće stalna pretnja stanovnicima Dugog jezera. Dok će Torin biti opsednut ponovo osvojenim blagom, Gandalfa će brinuti hoće li stanovnici Srednje Zemlje prepoznati pravu opasnost koja dolazi u liku Saurona...



Gor 1987



Ring: The Final Chapter

Ring: The Final Chapter 1999


Ring: The Final Chapter is a television series, produced in Japan, based on the Ring movie series. There are a total of 12 episodes in the series and a sequel was made called Rasen, consisting of 13 episodes.



Spiral 1999


Spiral is the sequel to the TV drama The Ring: The Final Chapter, based on the novel Spiral by Koji Suzuki. In a potent brew that is frightening audiences, this new type of horror blends traditional Japanese occult-like myths and curses with present-day elements such as viruses, genetic engineering and cloning. Six people die in an office building where a murder once took place. When the authorities investigate the scene of the odd incident, they find the fingerprints of a man who had already been executed.