The Dyatlov Pass Incident

The Dyatlov Pass Incident 2013


Сюжетът на филма е основан на реални събития, случили се през 1959 година. През 2012 година американски студенти се впускат в собствено разследване на мистериозно убийство, станало преди половин век. Но това е нещо, което ще им навлече много беди. Руската армия не иска случаят да бъде раздухван отново и започва да ги преследва, заедно с техния помощник Сергей. След като двама от студентите са убити, войниците нареждат телата да бъдат съблечени, обезобразени и оставени в стар бункер. Но телата скоро са намерени, а едното е идентифицирано по татуировката на врата.


The Dyatlov Pass Incident. A Documentary Series

The Dyatlov Pass Incident. A Documentary Series 2020


In 1959, nine hikers had disappeared in Ural Mountains of Soviet Union. Even after 60 years, the mystery of their death remains unsolved. On February 2nd, 1959, nine hikers had disappeared in the Ural Mountains of Soviet Union. What the rescue mission saw was hard to believe: the tracks of barefoot prints were heading away from the cut open tent. During the period of several months the bodies had been located in 4 kilometers radius, some frozen to death wearing nothing but underwear or just one sock, others had their head or chest broken, eyes popped out or the tongue torn out. The mystery of Dyatlov group death remains unsolved for over 60 years. The official investigation hit the dead-end while dozens of private investigators and researchers around the world are proposing new versions of what had actually happened ranging from runaway prisoners’ attack to yeti involvement, from secret military tests to aliens. One of them is mountaineer and traveler Teodora Hadjiyska.