
Ulsavapittennu 1989


The story revolves around Aniyan Thampuran (Mohanlal), a naive and innocent prince of an erstwhile royal family, and his household in a village of Kerala. His family is heavily indebted by the wayward lifestyle of his elder brother Chettan Thampuran (Sukumaran). Chettan Thampuran's untimely death forces Aniyan to take responsibility for the family. He loses his house and all properties to pay his brother's debts and is led to financial ruin. He realizes that his wife (Parvathy) had an affair with his friend Balan and married him only because of the poverty in her family. This realization devastates him further and culminates in his suicide in a heart-breaking scene.


Becoming Colleen

Becoming Colleen 2019


Starting her life as Colin, a husband, father, policeman, film-projectionist and self-declared shoe fetishist, Colleen and her wife Heather's love transcended their gender roles. But what are the medical complications that can arise from transitioning later in life? Ian Thomson's Becoming Colleen examines the role of gender, about society's own transition to understanding, and a caring community that ultimately offers support for an individual to express themselves, to find comfortability in their own skin.