The Day My Father Died

The Day My Father Died 2022


Sema and Hale, who lost their father, get together at the funeral. After the funeral, the two of them, who have a bad relationship, start arguing while they are on their way home together. On the way, they encounter an event that they never expected, and this will force them to make a choice between their conscience and their decency.


Some Cats of the Neighborhood

Some Cats of the Neighborhood 2019


Ma’am in her 50s continues her life isolated from the human beings. Every day at the same time, she leaves the house and feeds the cats in the park. One day on the way back home from the park, Bahadır’s car almost hit the lady. And that’s how they know each other. Bahadır is a young man at the age of 26 and just assigned to the civil service with exam. He lives with his family and is very uncomfortable because of that situation. He has a psychological problem and having a panic attack in possible excitement situations. Next day Bahadır wants to go to work with his car but as he moves, he hit the a car. He panics and gets away from the scene. The car hit by the Bahadır belongs to a retired police officer and the lady sees the accident and chases it. So, the situation is quite uncomfortable for him. He is afraid he has a criminal record because of her and tries to give up her complaints but can not convince her.