nyílnak befelé ablakok

nyílnak befelé ablakok 2023


The band Platon Karataev was founded in 2016, and the indie-folk songs of their first album exploded on Spotify to such an extent that they even surpassed the listenership of the best-known Hungarian artists. At the gate of international success, they decided to switch from English to Hungarian, from acoustic guitars to a more grandiose, psychedelic soundscape.


Monument to the Murderers

Monument to the Murderers 2021


A film about a district in Buda, which to this day cannot face the inconceivably cruel crimes committed by its former inhabitants.


Sötét parkolási ügyek Budapesten

Sötét parkolási ügyek Budapesten 2019


The first community-funded film on the 444.hu news site is about one of the darkest cases in Budapest's local government, the parking business.



Unprocessed 2022


Unprocessed is a documentary about the memory of the Roma killings of 2008-2009. The film is inspired by the theater group "Romano Teatro" and the rehearsals and performance of their play commemorating the hate crimes, titled 'The Smile of Hate'. The documentary features the play’s creators, as well as sociologists, journalists and artists who are looking for an answer on how Hungarian society can cope with such events. The film draws attention to how art can help in processing such events, and how this might be its primary task.



Rapháború 2014


A legendary hungarian documentary about the hungarian rap scene of the early 2010's


Száraz dobember - Pándi Balázs portréfilm [Még senkinek sem omlott össze az élete attól, hogy leállt]

Száraz dobember - Pándi Balázs portréfilm [Még senkinek sem omlott össze az élete attól, hogy leállt] 2024


"The cult figure of the Budapest night felt he had reached rock bottom and needed to make a change. But how? Is it possible to create sober? Is it possible to play music clean and have a glass of soda backstage? Last year Balázs Pándi toured festivals as the drummer of Beton.Hofi, playing with jazz bands and now DJing regularly in clubs until dawn. What are the stages of quitting? When are you most at risk of relapse? How does mind alteration affect therapy? How can you stay sober when you should be partying? What to do with nightmares, shame or cravings?" 444.hu (Kiss Bence, Kovács Bendegúz, Czinkóczi Sándor) https://444.hu/2024/03/10/pandi-balazs-portrefilm-meg-senkinek-sem-omlott-ossze-az-elete-attol-hogy-leallt